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2. Paris is the c_________ of France.

3. We should learn to g_________ others politely.

4. I know him. We are n__________.

5. Don’t be a_______ from the meeting. It’s very important.

6. He b________ that he can do better this term.

7. I am ________ (骄傲的,自豪的)of myself for not giving up.

8. See you _________. (随后,等会)

9. An __________ (国际的) group is visiting our school this week.

10. My parents are both ____________.(工程师)

11. This is a _________ (英国的) family.

II. 用所给词的适当形式填空。

1. It’s time for us __________(get) up.

2. My P.E. teacher is good at _________ (swim).

   3. Let Jim _________ (come) to the teacher’s office.


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