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9. “ 整队” 应该怎么说:

A: Attention. B: Line up.

10. “ When do you eat lunch?” 应该怎么回答:

A: I eat lunch at 10:30. B: I eat lunch 12:00.

四、 请将下列句子连线 ( 10分)

A What’s your favorite season? I go to school everyday.

What time is it ,please? Summer.

What can you see in the picture? It’s 1:20.

What do you do everyday? I watch Tv at 8:30.

When do you watch Tv? I see a tree in the picture.

B It’s a sunny day. It’s time for lunch.

It’s 11:40. Let’s play on the swing.

It’s 5:30. How can we get some?

It smells good. It’s time for supper.

It’s 7:40. It’s time for school.

五: 写出下列句子的汉语意思。( 14分)

1.Don’t worry.

2. I eat breakfast at 7:30.

3. Stop playing,monkey.

4. At 5:30, after school.

5. It’s time for bed.

6.Sixty minutes in an hour.

7. Twenty four hours in a day.

8. It’s 10 o’clock now.

9. It’s time for English class.

10.50 plus 10 is an hour.

11.I’m sorry.

12. Can you play on the seesaw?

13. It’s winter in Beijing.

14. What season is it?






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