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IV. 选择:(10%)

1. Who is he? He is           brother.

A. I        B. your        C. my

2. What           you see? I see a policeman.

A. are      B. can     C. do

3. I live            Shanghai.

A. in       B. on      C. at

4. Look! This is my sister and this is        .

A. me      B. I        C. my

5. I like        play.

A. to       B. /        C. and

6. Listen          the clock.

A. at       B. to       C. in

7. There       a doll on the floor.

A. am      B. is       C. are

8.         is your dog? Under the tree.

A. What       B. Where      C. What colour

9. Is your mother a good teacher? Yes,         .

A. she is       B. he is        C. I am

10. It’s very cold. Put on        coat, please.

A. your     B. you     C. I

V. 根据下列情景选择正确的句子:(10%)

1. 你想问别人看到了什么,可以问:

A. What do you hear?      B. What do you see?

2. 你不喜欢冬天,可以说:

A. I don’t like winter.    B. I like winter.

3. 你叫别人不要在草地上行走,可以说:

A. Don’t walk on the grass.     B. Don’t walk on the ground.

4. 上课时,老师请同学们仔细听,可以说:

A. Listen to me.    B. Look at me.

5. 告诉别人你要吃冰淇淋,可以说:

A. I like to eat ice-cream.       B. I have an ice-cream.

VI. 根据答句选择正确的问句:(10%)

1. Yes, it’s under the tree.

A. Is the star on the tree?

B. Is the star under the tree?

2. Yes, I do.

A. Do you like the snowman?

B. May I have a hot dog?

3. I can swim.

A. What can you do?

B. What can Spotty do?

4. It’s brown and yellow.

A. What clour is it?

B. What is this?

5. She is my sisiter.

A. Who is she?

B. What is she?





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