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学期期末考试很快就要开始了,为方便大家备考,威廉希尔app 特整理了2015牛津小学英语2学期末试卷及听力材料,希望能够对同学们有所帮助,预祝大家取得好成绩。


一、 听单词,辨别图片与单词是否相符,相符的打√,不相符的打×。播两遍(10%)

1. (     )                                   2. (     )

3. (     )                                   4. (     )

5. (     )                                   6. (     )

7. (     )                                   8. (     )

9. (     )                                   10. (    )

二、 听单词,选择与它相符的图片的选项。播两遍(5%)

1. (    )   A.                  B.                 C.

2. (    )   A.                  B.                 C.

3. (    )   A.                  B.                 C.

4. (    )   A.                  B.                 C.

5. (    )   A.                  B.                 C.


(    ) 1.   A. train                B. plane

(    ) 2.   A. jg                  B. gj

(    ) 3.   A. bd                  B. db

(    ) 4.   A. window             B. door

(    ) 5.   A. HKA               B. AHK

(    ) 6.   A. winter              B. autumm

(    ) 7.   A. GBM               B. KML

(    ) 8.   A. aie                 B. eia

(    )9.   A. ILJ                 B. JIL

(    )10.  A. tiger                B. monkey


1. (    )                   2. (    )                   3. (    )

4. (     )                  5. (     )


(    ) 1.   A. That’s a monkey.          B. This is a tiger.

(    ) 2.   A. Open your gift.            B. Give me a gift.

(    )3.   A. Say ‘hello’ to me.           B. Say ‘thank you’.

(    ) 4.   A. They’re beans.             B. They’re bears.

(    ) 5.   A. This doll is for you.         B. This yo-yo is for me.

(    )6.   A. What can you see?          B. What can you do ?

(    ) 7.   A. Put on the coat .            B. Take off your sweater.

(    ) 8.   A. I like this dress.            B. I like these sweets.

(    ) 9.   A. I can see a little bird.        B. I can see five little monkeys.

(    ) 10.  A. What are these?            B.What are those?



1. cat     2. sofa     3. jeep     4. pig    5. bear

(    )       (    )         (    )       (      )          (    )


1.                      2.                     3.

I have a doll.             I can swim.             It’s a table.

I have a toy.             I can dance.             It’s an elephant.

4.                          5.

It’s a pig.                    I can sing.

It’s a cow.                    I can fly.

三、读上句,圈下句, 在正确句子前面的括号里打√ 。(10%)

1. What can you do?         (    ) He can run.        (    ) I can run.

2. What can you see?        (    ) I can see a duck.    (    ) I hear a duck.

3. How are you?            (    ) Thank you.        (    ) Fine, thank you.

4. Do you like winter?       (    ) Yes, I don’t        (    ) No, I don’t.

5. What do you like?        (    ) I like panda.        (    ) I like pandas.


(    ) 1.  A. panda          B. dog         C. book        D. bear

(    ) 2.  A. bear           B. lion         C. boat         D. panda

(    ) 3.  A. kite           B.plane         C. train         D. car

(    ) 4.  A. pie           B. desk          C. bed         D. table

(    ) 5.  A. duck          B. jeep          C. pig         D. elephant

(    ) 6 . A. bread          B. rice           C. bird        D. juice五、完成下列单词所缺的字母。(10%)

1.  tra___n                      2.  pl ___ ne

3.  s____mmer                   4.  _____oat

5.  ____inter                     6.  ____oll

7.  li____n                       8.  pand____

9.  ____pring                     10.  je___p


(     ) 1.如果你有一个洋娃娃,可以说:

A. I have a doll.              B. I have a door.

(     ) 2.我能看见一个飞机,可以说:

A. I can see a plane          B. I can see a puppet.

(     ) 3.你想了解别人喜不喜欢春天,可以问:

A. Do you like spring?        B. Do you like summer?

(     ) 4.那是我的新尺,可以说:

A.That is my ruler.          B. That’s my new ruler.

(     ) 5.我喜欢狮子,可以说:

A. I like a lion.             B. I like lions.


I                              II

(     ) 1. What are these?              A. It’s a bus.

(     ) 2. What colour?                B. I can jump.

(     ) 3. What’s your brother?          C. It’s brown.

(     ) 4. What can you do?            D. He’s a teacher.

(     ) 5. What’s this ?                E. They’re pandas.


1. Close the window, please.

2. I have got four sofas .


一. 听单词,辨别图片与单词是否相符,相符的打√,不相符的打×。播两遍(10%)

1.dog       2.bed    3.train     4.car   5.run

6.a plane    7.T-shirt   8.window  9.lion  10.cow


1.cat     2. skate     3.bear     4.swim     5. cake


1.train   2.gj    3.bd     4.door      5.AHK

6.autumm   7.GBM    8.eia   9.JIL    10.monkey


1.This is a tiger.

2.Open the door.

3. Is this a panda? No, it isn’t.

4.I can sing.

5.I can jump.


1 That’s a monkey.

2 Open your gift.

3 Say ‘thank you’.

4 They’re bears.

5 This doll is for you.

6. What can you do ?

7. Put on the coat.

8. I like these sweets.

9. I can see five little monkeys.

10. What are these?

以上就是威廉希尔app 为大家提供的2015牛津小学英语2学期末试卷及听力材料大家仔细阅读了吗?加油哦!





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