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学期期末考试很快就要开始了,为方便大家备考,威廉希尔app 特整理了二年级英语第二学期期末试卷,希望能够对同学们有所帮助,预祝大家取得好成绩。

Part 1 听力部分

一、 在听到的字母或单词下打勾:16%

1.  b   d    2.     h         k

(  ) (  )    (  ) (  )

3.    eic     cej    4.    fhm        fng

(  ) (  )    (  ) (  )

5. New York  London   6.  thirsty   happy

(  ) (  )    (  ) (  )

7.   eleven     twelve      8.   near       under

(  ) (  )    (  ) (  )

二.按听到的顺序给下列图片或单词编号: 16%


(  )        (   )       (      )      (     )


(  )        (   )       (      )      (     )

3.  happy        sleepy    thirsty       sad

(  )        (   )       (      )      (     )

4.computer room   dining room reading room classroom

(  )        (   )       (      )      (     )

三.听录音, 将人物与图片用线连起来:8%

1.                          A.

2.                         B.

3.         C.

4.          D.

四、听音编号: 12%

(      ) I’m from New York.

(      ) It’s in the USA.

(      ) Hello, I am Tom. Where are you from?

(      ) Hello, I am Yang Mingming. Where is New York?

(      ) This is Mike, a new boy.

(      ) Welcome to our class.

五、听句子,圈单词: 8%

1. Are you in Class ( Three, Two) ? No, I’m not.

2.  What ( colour, shape) is it? It’s a (square, circle).

3.  Where is the cat? It’s ( under, near) the desk.

4. I’m (hungry, thirsty). I want some (coke, juice)

5.  How old are you? I’m ( eight, ten).

6.  Where are you from?  I’m from (Sydney, Paris)

Part 2笔试部分

一. 按顺序写出字母a-n  14%

b  k  h  e  j  g  n  a  i  c  l  m  f  d


1.A.  black  B.  red   C. green  D.  star

2.A.  apple  B.  circle  C. orange  D.  banana

3.A.  five   B.  seven  C. four   D.  candle

4.A.  on   B.  near   C. two   D.  under

5.A.  bone  B.  coke  C. milk  D.  juice


1. I’m in the           ( computer room, dining room).

2.  What shape is it? It’s a          ( triangle, circle)

3.  Tom is     ( sleepy, sad)

4.  Today is my birthday. I am                (eight, nine)

5.  Alice is from       ( Paris, London)


1.  Are you in the reading room?

A.  Yes, I am.    B. Yes, I’m not.

2. Here’s a star for you. X

A.  Yes.      B.  Thank you.

3. Where are you from?

A. I’m nine.    B. I’m from Hangzhou.

4. Is the cat on the box?

A.  Yes, it is.    B. Yes, I am.

5. I’m hungry.

A. Here is a cake for you. B. Here’s some milk for you.

五.根据短文判断正误,对的用 “T”, 错的用 “F”表示:6%

Hello, I’m Sandy. I’m ten. I’m from Shanghai. I’ve got a new eraser. It’s a circle. This is Sue. She’s from Sydney. She’s pretty. She’s got a new pencil-box. It’s a rectangle. We are in Class Three, Grade Two. We are good friends.

1.(     ) I’m eleven.

2.(     ) I’ve got a new eraser.

3.(     ) My eraser is a circle.

4.(     ) Sue is from Shanghai.

5.(     ) Sue’s new pencil-box is a triangle.

6.(     ) Sue is in Class Three.


一、 在听到的字母或单词下打勾:16%

1.d  2. h  3. eic  4. fng  5. New York  6. thirsty 7. twelve  8. under

二.按听到的顺序给下列图片或单词编号: 16%

1.  square  triangle  circle  rectangle

2. under the desk  in the box   near the bed   on the box

3. thirsty sleepy happy  sad

4.computer room   dining room  classroom  reading room

三.听录音, 将人物与图片用线连起来:8%

1. A:  Hello, are you Norman?     B:  Yes, I am.

A:  Where are you from?   B: I’m from Beijing.

2. A:  Good morning. I’m Alice. I’m new here.

B:  Good morning. How old are you?

A:  I’m nine.

3. A:  Tommy, are you in Class One?

B:  No, I’m not. I’m in Class Two.

A:  This is Class One.    B: I’m sorry.

4. A:  Sandy, are you hungry?    B:  Yes, I am.

A:  Do you like cake?    B: No, I like cookies.

四、听音编号: 12%

This is Mike, a new boy.

Welcome to our class.

Hello, I am Tom. Where are you from?

I’m from New York.

Hello, I am Yang Mingming. Where is New York?

It’s in the USA.

五、听句子,圈单词: 8%

1. Are you in Class ( Three) ? No, I’m not.

2.  What (shape) is it? It’s a (square).

3.  Where is the cat? It’s (near) the desk.

4. I’m (thirsty). I want some (coke)

5.  How old are you? I’m ( eight).

6.  Where are you from?  I’m from (Paris)

以上就是威廉希尔app 为大家提供的二年级英语第二学期期末试卷大家仔细阅读了吗?加油哦!





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