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学期期末考试很快就要开始了,为方便大家备考,威廉希尔app 特整理了2015.5新标准二年级英语下册期末测试卷,希望能够对同学们有所帮助,预祝大家取得好成绩。



1) (   ) A.  B.  C.  D.

2) (   ) A.   B. C.   D.

3) (   ) A.  B.  C.   D.

4) (   ) A.   B.   C.   D.

二 听音连线。(10)


(一) 听一听,给图片排序。(5)

(   )     (   )    (   )     (   )     (   )


1.   2.   3. 4. 5.

(   )       (   )     (   )   (   )    (   )

四、下面的图片和录音符合吗? 请你用√或×来判断。(10)

1.  (   )    2. (   )     3. (   )

4.  (   )      5.  (  )


1. A. Yes, I am.                  B. No, he isn’t.

2. A. No, she isn’t.                B. No, I’m not.

3. A. She’s reading a newspaper.     B. He’s reading a book.

4. A. Yes, he is.                   B. Yes, I am.

5. A. They’re writing a letter.        B. He’s drawing a picture.


六、 选出不同类的单词,将单词前的字母写到括号中。(5)

(   )1. A. Science   B. English   C.  PE    D. homework

(   )  2. A. sad      B. snow      C. rain     D. windy

(   )  3. A. catch     B. hide      C. seek     D. hat

(   )  4. A. newspaper   B. book    C. letter    D. write

(   )  5. A. watch     B. game        C. read    D. sing


A. drawing   B. playing   C. reading   D. writing  E. listening

1. (   ) Sam is _________ a book.

2. (   ) Lingling is ________ to the radio.

3. (   ) Amy is _________ a letter.

4. (   ) He is _________ a picture.

5. (   ) The girl is _________in the park.


(   ) 1. ---______the weather like in Shanghai? --- It’s sunny.

A. What’s   B. How’s    C. Where’s

(   ) 2. ---I like ______in winter.

A. ski   B. sleep   C. skating

(   ) 3. ---Is it windy?--- __________.

A. No, it is.   B. Yes, it is.   C. No, It isn’t.

(   ) 4. Let’s ________.

A. play clapping games B. play claping games C. playing clapping games

(   )5. ---Here it is.--- ________.

A. Oh, sorry.    B. Thank you.   C. I am not.

(   ) 6. What’s Lingling doing? She’s______.

A. skiping   B. skipping    C. skip

(   ) 7. She ____ listening to music.

A. am  B. is   C. are

(   ) 8. Tom’s playing ____ his train.

A. with    B. to    C. in

(   ) 9. My father isn’t tidying_____ room.

A. he   B. you     C. his

(   )10. No one ______playing with me.

A. am   B. is    C. are


(   ) 1. What do you like doing in summer?     A. Yes, I am not happy.

(   ) 2. Is she doing her homework?           B. I like swimming.

(   ) 3. Where’s my mother?                 C. No, she isn’t.

(   ) 4. Are you listening to music?            D. We’re playing catch.

(   ) 5. What are you playing?                E. Yes, I am.

(   ) 6. Can I play with them?                F. Yes, Ms Smart.

(   ) 7. Here’s a card for, happy birthday!       G. Thanks.

(   ) 8. What are the kids doing?              H. Over there.

(   ) 9.Are you sad?                        I. They’re playing catch.

(   ) 10. Please do your homework.            J. Of course, you can.

以上就是威廉希尔app 为大家提供的2015.5新标准二年级英语下册期末测试卷大家仔细阅读了吗?加油哦!





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