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( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )


1. Look at the elephant. It’s ________.

2. I have short ______s. My _____ has long arms.

3. I like _________.

4. Sarah is ______ years old.

5. I know _______ animals.

6. I have a _______. She has a _______. www .Xkb1 .coM

7. Chenjie has a _______. John has a _______. They’re cute.

Writing Part(30分)


( )1. Who’s that woman?

( )2. What is this?

( )3. How are you?

( )4.Is she your mum?

( )5. How many animals do you know?


A. yellow B. tiger C. tall D. nine E. mother

( )1. ten six seven ___________

( )2. __________ father sister grandmother

( )3. short long __________ small

( )4. _______ green blue red

( )5. giraffe ________ ostrich elephant

十、阅读理解。对的打“√”, 错的打“×”。(10分)

Today I go to the zoo. I see many animals. The tiger is big. It has a very big mouth. The giraffe is so tall. It has a small head and a long neck.(脖子) The panda is very cute. It has big black eyes and a fat body. The fox has a long big tail. The zebra is black and white. The horse is brown. Oh, that is a gorilla. It has long arms. The monkey has long tail. I love animals very much.

( )1. Today I go to school.

( )2. I see a brown zebra and a white horse.

( )3. The gorilla has long arms.

( )4. The fox’s tail is long and big.

( )5. The giraffe has a small head.





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