一. 听力部分(40%)
1. Listen and circle(听录音,圈出听到的字母)10%
1) A. ac B. ca 2) A. jg B. gj
3) A. bd B. db 4) A. JL B. LJ
5) A. HKA B. AHK 6) A. hdb B. dhb
7) A. GBM B. KML 8) A. aie B. eia
9) A. ILJ B. JIL 10) A. EFH B. HFE
2. Listen and tick(听录音,勾出正确的图片)10%
1) 2)
( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
3) 4)
( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
5) 6)
( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
7) 8)
( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
9) 10)
( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
3. Listen and tick(听录音,勾出听到的句子)10%
1) ( ) A. That‘s a bird.
( ) B. This is a bin.
2) ( ) A. Open your present.
( ) B. Give me a present.
3) ( ) A. Say ’hello‘ to me.
( ) B. Say ’thank you‘.
4) ( ) A. The boy is swimming.
( ) B. The boy is sleeping.
5) ( ) A. This egg is for you.
( ) B. This apple is for me.
6) ( ) A. What do you see?
( ) B. What can you do?
7) ( ) A. Get out of the car.
( ) B. Get off the bus.
8) ( ) A. I like this dress.
( ) B. I like these sweets.
9) ( ) A. Which man is your father?[
( ) B. Which man is your brother?
10) ( ) A. Is Sam on the green bus?
( ) B. Is Tom on the blue bus?
4. Listen and fill (听录音,选择并填入听到的词)10%
1)Do you like the ________ (soupjuice)?
2)I write ________ (whatwith) my hand.
3)________ (WhereWhat) class are you in?
4)May I have a ________ (birdshirt)?
5)Please get off the ________ (carcard).
6)What do you ________ (seehear)?
7)Walk like a ________ (catkite).
8)This is a ________ (pencilpanda).
9)Where do you ________ (lovelive)?
10)Draw the dog ________ (onunder) the book.
二. 阅读部分:60%
1. Think and write(想一想,写出下列小写字母的邻居)10%
1) ___ c ___ 2) ___r ___ 3) e ___ ___
4) i ___ ___ 5) ___ ___ z
2. Finish the words (完成下列单词) 15%
s___a(海洋) u___b___ell___(伞) tr___ ___(树) sw___n___(荡秋千) m___n___e___(猴子) w___ ___k(走路) gr___s___(草)
3.Read and circle (读单词,圈出不同类的词) 10%
1) A. shirt B. socks C. snow 2) A. ice-cream B. cake C. car
3) A. tree B. in C. under 4) A. bell B. plane C. taxi
5) A. hat B. wind C. scarf 6) A. panda B. pencil C. bear
7) A. mother B. father C. tie 8) A. hand B. nose C. bus060s.com
9) A. milk B. juice C. face 10) A. fish B. bed C. table
4. Read and judge(读句子,用“”或“”判断句子内容是否与图片一致)5%
1) ( ) I see a big elephant.
2) ( ) May I have a hot dog?
3) ( ) Don’t climb the tree.
4) ( ) I go to Shanghai by van.
5) ( ) I see a long pencil.
5. Read and choose(选择填空)10%
1) ( ) There ______ a dog in the room.
A. am B. is C. are
2) ( ) ______ can you do? I can swim.
A. What B. Who C. Where
3) ( ) I have two ______ in my pencil-box.
A. rubber B. rubbers C. a rubber
4) ( ) Don‘t walk ______ the grass.
A. in B. under C. on
5) ( ) Don’t ______ a bicycle here.
A. run B. walk C. ride
6) ( ) I see ______ orange on the table.
A. am B. an C. a
7) ( ) There ______ some books on the bag.
A. am B. is C. are
8) ( ) It‘s hot. ______ the window, please.
A. Close B. Open C. Sleep
9) ( ) ______ do you live? I live in Ningbo.
A. What B. Who C. Where
10) ( ) ______ is your friend? Tom.
A. What B. Who C. Where
6. Read and fill(选择并填入正确的单词。)5%
1) I see a ________(pandapandas).
2) There is some _______(milkmilks) in the bowl.
3) There is a ________(shirtshirts) on the bed.
4) There are some ________(boyoys) in the room.
5) May I have three ________(appleapples)?
7. Read and fill(选择’a‘或’an‘填入。)5%
1) I see ______ ice-cream in the picture.
2) There is ______ star in the tree.
3)关于二年级下册英语期末考试试卷答案: I have ______ umbrella in my hand.
4) My brother has ______ orange car.
5) There is ______ old man in the room.
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