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一、 听录音,圈出听到的字母组合或单词。(14%)

1. O N M d 2. K Q i k p d

3. I n h m f o 4. here hen

5. some come 6. draw dog

7. brown bear 8. chick sheep

9. duck tiger 10. quilt pencil

11. bin bird 12. no nose

13. paper ground 14. hear see

二、听录音,判断听到的内容与图片是否一致,一致的用“ ”表示,不一致的用“ ”表示。( 12%)

沪教牛津版英语二年级下册:Unit 1-2 单元试卷

三、听录音,选出听到的句子。( 12%)

( ) 1. A. What do you see? B. What do you hear?

( ) 2. A. come back, Spotty. B. Come here, Spotty.

( ) 3. A. I’ve got a cow. B. It goes ‘cluck, cluck’

( ) 4. A. ‘oink, oink’ I hear a pig.

B. ‘quack, quack’ I hear a duck.

( ) 5. A. Look, I see some cows.

B. Look, I see some sheep.

( ) 6. A. Draw the cow on the paper.

B. Draw the duck on the paper.


( ) It is little and white.

( ) I have a friend.

( ) It has two red eyes.

( ) It has two long ears.

( ) It’s a rabbit.

Part 2 Reading and Writing(读写部分)


Pp Ff Qq Jj Ii Mm Ll Kk Oo Nn

二、根据图片,选出正确的句子。( 10%)

沪教牛津版英语二年级下册:Unit 1-2 单元试卷

1. A. I’ve got a pencil. 2. A. Come here, Spotty.

B. I’ve got an orange. B. Go there, Spotty

沪教牛津版英语二年级下册:Unit 1-2 单元试卷

A. I hear a pig. A. He is black and white.

B. I hear a hen. B. He is red and brown.

沪教牛津版英语二年级下册:Unit 1-2 单元试卷

A. Look at the bear, It’s little and green.

B. Look at the bear, it’s big and brown.


1. ( ) A. pig B. dog C. nose D. sheep

2. ( ) A. orange B. apple C. see D. banana

3. ( ) A. egg B. cow C. chick D. panda

4. ( ) A. pink B. brown C. yellow D. run

5. ( ) A. pen B. pencil C. book D. ground

6. ( ) A. car B. bus C. tiger D. taxi


1. ( ) What do you hear?

A. I see a frog. B. I hear a duck.

2. ( ) What do you see?.

A. I see a monkey. B. I hear a pig.

3. ( ) Look at the cow.

A. 沪教牛津版二年级第二学期英语期中试卷:It goes‘moo, moo’. B. It goes‘quack, quack’.

4. ( ) Draw the duck on the paper.

A. OK! B. Thank you!

5. ( ) Look ____the pig. It’s big and fat.

A. at B. To


沪教牛津版英语二年级下册:Unit 1-2 单元试卷

A. at B. Elephant C. long (长长的)

D. grey E. friend (朋友)

I have a_____.

Look _____my friend.

It’s big and_____.

It has a _____ nose.

Who’s my friend?

It’s an ______.





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