
牛津英语二年级下册:Unit 7 A camping trip


【编者按】为了丰富同学们的学习生活,威廉希尔app 小学频道搜集整理了牛津英语二年级下册:Unit 7 A camping trip,供大家参考,希望对大家有所帮助!

牛津英语二年级下册:Unit 7 A camping trip

The children and their teachers are now near the hill. They are at a camping site. They are showing their things to each other.

David: You have a big tent, Liu Tao!

Liu Tao: Yes. What do you have?

David: I have a chair. See?

Liu Tao: It's great! Where's Nancy?

David: She's sitting near her tent. She has a chair, too.

Helen: I have a tin of chicken and a tin of fish.

Yang Ling: Good. I have a tin-opener. What does Mike have?

Helen: He was a pot and a stove.

Yang Ling: Su Hai and SU yang are over there.

Helen: What do they have?

Yang Ling: Let's go and see.

Yang Ling: What do you have, Su Hai and Su Yang?

Su Hai: We have two blankets and telescope.

Yang Ling: Look. Miss Li and Mr. Green are coming.

Helen: What do they have?

Su Yang: Miss Li has a box of chocolates and Mr. Green has some fruit.

All: Great!

B' Look, read and learn

A telescope

A tin-opener

A pot

A stove

A blanket

A towel

E' Read the passage.

We have a lot of toys. I have a bear. It has long hair. My brother has a panda. It's fat. My sister has an elephant. It has big ears. Tom has a monkey. It's thin. Tom's sister has a doll. It can dance. Tom's brothers have six dogs. They can jump and run. We all like our toys.

以上就是牛津英语二年级下册:Unit 7 A camping trip全文,希望能给大家带来帮助!


威廉希尔app 小学频道      二年级英语课件