
牛津英语二年级下册:Unit 3 At a Music lesson


【编者按】为了丰富同学们的学习生活,威廉希尔app 小学频道搜集整理了牛津英语二年级下册:Unit 3 At a Music lesson,供大家参考,希望对大家有所帮助!

牛津英语二年级下册:Unit 3 At a Music lesson

A Read and say

It is two o'clock in the afternoon. The students are in the music room. They are having a Music lesson.

Mr. Green: Boys and girls, can you sing the song 'We can sing and dance'?

All: No, we can't

Mr. Green: What can you sing?

Gao Shan: We can sing 'in the classroom'.

Helen: We can sing 'Colour song'

Mr. Green: Good. Let's sing 'In the classroom' first

Ben: Sorry, Mr. Green. I can't sing.

Mr. Green: What can you do?

Ben: I can play the violin.

Mr. Green: OK. Let's start.

Mr. Green: Shall we learn the song 'We can sing and dance' now?

All: Yes.

Mr. Green: Listen to the song, please.

All: OK.

Mr. Green: Now, follow me, please.

All: All right.

Mr. Green: Can you sing it now?

All: Yes, we can.

Mr. Green: Good, let's sing it together.

B: Look, read and lean,






Make a puppet

Make a model plane

Play the guitar

Play the violin

E: Look and read.

I can ride a bike. Me, too

Can you put a book on your head? Yes, I can.


Can you have an ice cream? Sure I can.

Aah! Oh, Dear!

以上就是牛津英语二年级下册:Unit 3 At a Music lesson全文,希望能给大家带来帮助!


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