
牛津二年级英语下册:Unit2 A new house


【编者按】为了丰富同学们的学习生活,威廉希尔app 小学频道搜集整理了牛津二年级英语下册:Unit2 A new house,供大家参考,希望对大家有所帮助!

牛津二年级英语下册:Unit2 A new house

Yang ling and her parents live in a new house now. it is near her school. They like the new house very much.

Yang Liang: I live in a new house now.

Nancy: Is it big?

Yang Liang: Yes, it is. There are three bedrooms, two bedrooms. a study, a kitchen,

a dining-room and a large sitting-room.

Nancy: Is there a garden?

Yang Liang: No, there isn't a garden.

Nancy: What's in your bedroom?

Yang Liang: There's a desk near my bed. On the bed, there are some dolls.

Nancy: Are there any pictures on the wall?

Yang Liang: No, there aren't any pictures. There's a map of the world on the wall.

Nancy: Is there a telephone?

Yang Liang: Yes. It's on the desk.

B: Look, read and lean

A bed

A sofa

A telephone

A lamp





E: Look and read


There's a mouse in my desk.

Now it's on my chair.

Now it's under my desk.

Now it's near my school bag.

Now it's behind the door.

Ah, look! It's in the cat's mouth now.

以上就是牛津二年级英语下册:Unit2 A new house全文,希望能给大家带来帮助!


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