
小学二年级英语上册第五课:This is her bag


【编者按】亲爱的小朋友们,威廉希尔app 小学频道为你整理了小学二年级英语上册第五课:This is her bag,一起来学习吧!

小学二年级英语上册第五课:This is her bag

1. Listen, point and find "his, her, their". 第10页

Where's Ms Smart?

This is her bag.

And this is her book.

Where's the doctor?

That is his hat.

And that is his coat.

And the pupils? Look! Their school bags.

Look! The teacher, the doctor and the pupils!

It's a clown!


2. Listen and say. 第11页

This is her bag.

And this is her book.

That is his hat.

And that is his coat.

3. Practise. 第11页

This is her school bag.

And this is his school bag.


威廉希尔app 小学频道      二年级英语课件