
二年级英语Module6 Unit1教学设计


【编者按】为了丰富教师的生活,威廉希尔app 小学频道搜集整理了二年级英语Module6 Unit1教学设计,供大家参考,希望对大家有所帮助!

二年级英语Module6 Unit1教学设计

Teaching plan

School: Lieshishan Primary School name: 金 明


题目 Module 6 unit 1

I usually play basketball


教学目的 Comparing routines with correct actions .


教学重难点 I usually do something .

Now , I'm doing something .


教学准备 Recorder . Cards .

Teaching process

程 Teacher's activity Student's activity Re-preparation

I.Warming-up and revision .

1.Greeting :

T: Say "Hello" to each other .

2. Play the cassette .

"poem" .

3. Look and say .

II. Leading-in .

1. Talk about Sundays .

T: What do you do on Sundays ?

2. Look at the picture .

Let's talk about Daming

Writer the title .

III .Listen and reading activities .

1. Look at Page 22 .

2. Play the cassette .

3. Teach the new words .

Usually , help , ride .

4. Play the cassette again .

5. Play the tape again .

IV.Further development

1. Listen and say .

2. Play the cassette .

3. Game .

4. Action .

5. Exercise .

(1). Copy words

eg: play-----playing

help-----( )

do------ ( )

watch---( )

ride-----( )

(2). Listen and match .


Play football

Read book

Fly kites

help my father

V. Homework .

Recite the text .

Prepare next lesson.

Say"Hello"to teacher .

Ss: "We're play in the playground " .Clap hand and do the actions.

Ss: I'm reading a book .

What are you doing ?

Do the actions and say . "I play football …".

Read the title together .

Understand the meaning of the text .

Circle the new words .

Spell and read the words . Say it out correctly .

Learn the main drills. I usually help my father . But , I'm not help him today .

Make sentences according do the actions .

Listen and repeat. In each picture , ask and answer .

Listen and say .

Do and say .

--- I usually … , But I'm not …ing .

--- You 're …ing .

Read the text in group ,then act it out .



riding my bike

watching TV

doing my homework


以上就是二年级英语Module6 Unit1教学设计全文,希望能给大家带来帮助!


威廉希尔app 小学频道      二年级英语教案