
二年级英语Module2 Unit1教学设计


【编者按】为了丰富教师的生活,威廉希尔app 小学频道搜集整理了二年级英语Module2 Unit1教学设计,供大家参考,希望对大家有所帮助!

二年级英语Module2 Unit1教学设计

Teaching Plan

Title NSE Book 4 Module 2 Unit 1 She's listening to music.

Aims Ⅰ:To be able to understand, say and recognize: photo\smile\camera

Ⅱ:To master some phrases: listening to the radio eading a news paper\playing with his train

Ⅲ:Talking about activities place now.

Focus Ⅰ:To grasp main words and phrases.

Ⅱ: Talking about activities place now.

Aids pictures, cards, tape--recorder


Process Teaching's Activity Students' Activity Re-


Ⅰ: Warming up\Revision

1. Greeting..

2. The chant: Is this weather true?

Ⅱ: Leading-in

Game: Listen and do.

Say a command.

Ⅲ: Listening & reading Activities

1. Show picture and ask questions.

2. Play the cassette.

3. Play the cassette again.

4. Play the cassette.

1. Greeting..

2.Say it.

The students listen and do.

1.Look and answer.


3.Listen and point.

4.Repeat each utterance.



Teaching's Activity Students Activity Re-


5. Write the phrases and teach.

6. Teach sentences.

7. Turn on the tape.

Ⅳ: Further Development

1. SB: Listen and say.

2. SB: Practise.

3. Have a race.

Ⅴ: Homework

1. Own family who describe the affair does tonight.

2. AB (U2) 5.Learn carefully.

6.Learn and drill.

7.Listen and repeat.

1.Do it.

2. Work in pairs.

3.Do it.

Listen carefully.



Teaching Plan

Title NSE Book 4 Module 2 Unit 2

Aims i. To master: drawing writing playing reading listening.

ii. Talking about the on-going activities of somebody. Focus To understand and use main knowledge correctly.

Aids cards . tape


Process Teacher's Activity

I.Warming up and Revision




1.Review :play/sing/watch/listen…

Lead the class to say v-ing.

2. Say something about the text.

III.Listening & Reading Activities

1.Show the picture and play the tape.

2.Questions for children.

3.Write "I'm___ing."on the board.

4.Play the ape again.

5.A few minutes for children.

IV.Further Development

1.Lead the class in a discussion about A2.

2.Teach this song.

3. AB U2 E1&2.


Talking about the on-going activities of family members.

Students' Activity


2.Say and do the actions.

1.To review them.



2.Discuss and answer.

3.Look and repeat.

4.Listen again.

5. practise in pairs and act.

1.Work in pairs.

2.Learn to sing.

3.Do them. Re-preparation



Teaching Plan

Title NSE Book 4 Module4 unit 1

Aims i.To master main knowledge--What are you doing ?\What's he/she doing?

ii.To use main knowledge freely.

Focus i.Ask and answer the present action.

i.The pronunciation of the V+ing

Aids Cards, Tape-recorder


Process Teacher's Activity

I.Warming up and Revision


2、A song.

3、Let children use--Are you V+ing ? and --Yes./No. to ask and answer.


Review --V+ing .eg."swimming,

jumping ,walking ".Etc.

III. Listening and reading Activities

1、Turn on the tape.

2 、Turn on the tape again.

3、Teach new sentences :

4、Activity2-Listen and say.

IV. .Further Development

1、Show the pictures of part 3

2、Have a race.

V. Homework

Declare homework:

1、Listen and read the text.

2、AB(P14,15). Students' Activity


2、Clap and sing

3、Do it in pairs.

Read these words.

1、listen and point

2 、Listen and underline new knowledge.

3、Learn and drill them.

4、Work in pairs.

1、Practise and show it.

2、Do it.

Listen carefully. Re-preparation

Feed back

Title Module4 Unit2 What's she doing?

Aims 1.Learn the new words and sentences, then say.

2.Let students can talk about occupations.

Focus 1.Words: noice、drink、talk、there、game .

2.Sentences: What's she doing?

She's playing a game with Amy and Sam.

Aids Radio、cards、VCD、tapes、chalks

Teaching Process

Teacher's Activity

I Warming up and Revision

i. Greetings

ii Sing the song

II Leading-in

Show the picture.

T: What's are they doing? Students'Activity

S: Say "hello" to teacher.

S:Sing and do.

S: They are talking. Re-preparation

Teaching Plan



T: What's she doing?

T: Now we will learn Moudle 4 Unit 2

III Listening and Activities.

Turn on the tape.

IV Further Development

Invite three students to the front of the class. Tell them to mime an action.

Stop them and ask them this.

S: she's playing.

Listen and learn.

Do the action.


Teaching Process

Game: Say and guess.

Show a picture and ask the students.

T: What's she doing?

Say and sing the chant.

V Homework

Read the dialogue and the sentence .

Preview Module 5 Unit1.

She's playing basketball.

Sing the chant

Feed back

以上就是二年级英语Module2 Unit1教学设计全文,希望能给大家带来帮助!


威廉希尔app 小学频道      二年级英语教案