
二年级英语教案:Unit8 Time


T: Yes, it is day.

4.T:What time is it? It‘s eleven o’clock. It‘s time to have lunch.

5.The same way to teach breakfast and dinner.

6.Ask and answer.

What time is it?


It‘s time to have breakfast/lunch/dinner.

Step4 Consolidation

1.Listen to the tape and repeat.

2.Play a game “换宝游戏”(在盒子里放英语及中文单词卡片,摸到中文的说英文,摸到英文的说中文)

5 Homework

1、Listen to the tape and repeat.


Songs and rhymes

(Revise the commands )

S: It’s a clock.

S: It‘s a watch.

S: Watch.

S: No.

S repeat.

lunch. S repeat.

What time is it?


It‘s time to have breakfast/lunch/dinner.



Blackboard writing :

Unit8 Time

clock watch night day

breakfast lunch dinner

Lesson 3

Teacher’s activity

Students‘ activity


Free talk

Good morning.

How are you.

Pre-task preparation.

Songs and rhymes

Step2 Revision

1.Look and say(review the words learned last class)

2.Ask and answer.

3.Play a game: Listen and do.

Step3 Presentation

1.T: What time do you get up? What time do you have breakfast? What time do you go to school? What time do you have lunch? What time do you play games? What time do you have dinner? What time do you go to bed?

2.T:Let’s look at May. What time does she get up?(做动作)

S repeat.

S: Eight o‘clock.

3.T: What is her mother saying?


T: Have lunch.(做动作)

S repeat.

4.T: What time is it?

S: Ten o’clock.

T: It‘s time to go to bed.(做动作)

5. Listen and do.

Step4 Tell a story

1.Show the students the pictures on page 41. Read the story line by line. Ask: Why doesn’t Ben have to go to school?

2.Read after the tape.

3.Pair work.

4.Read it together.

5.Game: What is the time, Mr Wolf?(P40)

Step5 Homework

1、Listen to the tape and repeat.


Songs and rhymes

What time is it?


It’s time to have breakfast/lunch/dinner.

S: ...

get up

Have lunch

go to bed.

Read the story line by line.



Blackboard writing :

Unit8 Time

Get up.

Have lunch.

Go to bed.

Lesson 4

Teacher‘s activity

Students’ activity


Free talk

Good morning.

How are you.

Pre-task preparation.

Songs and rhymes

Step2 Revision

1.Look and say(review the words learned last class)

2.Ask and answer.

3.Play a game: Listen and do.

Step3 Presentation

1.look at page 40. Ask the students to say what Sam is doing in each picture.

2. then ask the students to suggest a time for each activity.

3.Ask ‘What time is it’ point to each picture and have the class respond by saying “It‘s ...o’clock”

4. have students fill in the answers in their books.

5.Select a few students to come to the front to tell the class when they do each of the activities. Encourage them to tell the time using the word.

Post-task activity.

Give the students a sheet of white paper. Tell them to draw their favorite activity. Display the best drawings.

Step5 Homework

Workbook page 26: Listen and tick the correct box.

Songs and rhymes

What time is it?


It’s time to have breakfast/lunch/dinner.

S: He is...

It‘s ...o’clock“

Read the story line by line.



Blackboard writing :

Unit8 Time

