
二年级英语下册教案之What day is today?


Unit 4 What day is today?

这一课我们学习一周7天的表达并会用What day is today? 来问今天是星期几?初步掌握进行时态的用法和其所表示的意义,并掌握系动词be和主语的搭配。掌握run, join, jump rope等几个动词。



What day is it today?

Mike/He/ She is jumping rope on the playground.

They/We are playing volleyball.

2.会说会用会写这些单词:Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday, Thursday,run , jump rope,join.

3 会说会用Let’s go and join him/them.


1. 教师准备钟表;

2. 周一到周日的日历。

3. Tom 和David的手偶

4. 放大的每日活动的安排表。如:Jump rope/Monday, play ping-pong/Tuesday

5. 录音机和相关部分的录音带。

6. Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday, Thursday, run , jump rope,join的单词卡片。

7. 19页挂图。

8. 1-7的扑克牌若干张。

9. 学生准备跳绳,悠悠球,足球,乒乓球,排球等


1. 热身(Warming up)

老师戴上Tom 和David的手偶利用钟表、日历,跳绳,乒乓球等进行对话引出话题:

Tom: What time is it?

David: It’s four o’clock.

Tom: Is it time to play ping-pong?

David: What day is it today?

Tom: It’s Wednesday.(出示周三日历)

David: Oh, It’s Wednesday. Sorry , We play ping-pong on Tuesday.(周二)

Tom: It’s Wednesday. (拿出跳绳)We jump rope on Wednesday.

David: Look, Mike is jumping rope there.

Tom: Let’s join him.

David: OK. Let’s go.

2.新课展示(New Presentation)


1)老师可开门见山直接问学生What day is it today? What day is it today?

根据实际情况举起当天的日历引导学生回答: It’s Wednesday. Wednesday, Wednesday.并将单词卡片贴到黑板上。同时老师引导学生学会按音节,读音规则来拼读单词。

然后又拿出前一天的日历问:Is it Wednesday ?学生会说No,

老师接着问What day is it? 并指着上面星期二的地方引导学生说:

It’s Tuesday, Tuesday . Tuesday.并将单词卡片贴到黑板上。

老师以同样的方法引出Monday, Thursday等,并将相应的单词卡片张贴到黑板上。

2)老师问学生:What’s the time?

Ss: Oh, it’s four thirty.

T: School is over . (边收拾自己的东西边问)Is it time to go home?

Ss: No, it’s time to play games.

T: What day is it today?

Ss: It’s Tuesday.

T:(看着星期二的日历恍然大悟),Oh, it’s Tuesday. We play games on Tuesday. Boys and girls , Let’s go and play.边说边走到教室的一角拿起各种体育用品,学生也拿自己准备的体育用品开始活动。

3 ) A: 老师看着大家忽然指着一位正在跳绳的学生说:

T: Look , Mike is jumping rope. Jump rope, Jump rope,

老师拿出跳绳I like jumping rope. Let’s join him, join him.(边说边示意几个学生过来一起加入到跳绳中。)

Ss: OK. Let’s go and join him.

老师和学生一起边跳绳边说:We are jumping rope.

B: 老师看着大家指着一位正在玩悠悠球的学生说:

T : Look , Li Dong is playing with a yo-yo.

老师拿出悠悠球:I like playing yo-yo too .Let’s join him. (边说边示意几个学生过来一起加入到玩悠悠球当中。)

Ss: OK, Let’s .

学生和老师一起边玩幽幽球边说:We are playing yo-yo.


T: Hi, They are running.

Ss: Where?

T: Over there.

Ss: Let’s go and join them.

T: OK.

师生一起边跑步边说:We are running.


当我们要描述当前人正在做某事时,我们用be +动词的现在分词来构成的进行时态来表示。其中be 要和主语人称和数的变化保持一致。如:

我们说:Mike/Li Dong/She/He is doing …

The boys/The girls /They/You /We are doing…

4 巩固活动:


老师出示19页挂图问:Look, What are the doing? S1: They are playing.

老师又指着图中跳绳的Mike说: This is Mike, what is he doing?

老师又指着图中的女孩问:What about the girl?

老师一一指着图中的人物让学生说, 抢答正确的同学给对应的组记一分,抢答错误则扣一分,得分高的组为获胜组。

2) Let’s Play

老师将1-7的扑克牌分发给学生,1 ,2……7 分别代表星期一,二 ……日,学生手拿卡片找朋友。找朋友的暗号是: What day is it today? 若回答是同一天,说明对上暗号,就是朋友。

5. 听录音学习对话:

T: Let’s listen to a dialogue, then answer the questions.


T: What day is it today?

Ss: It’s Tuesday.(学生边回答边举起周二的日历)

T: After school, is it time to go home?

Ss: No, it’s time to play games.(学生拿出各种各样的体育用品开始做游戏)

T: What is Mike doing?

Ss: He is jumping rope?(学生边回答边跳绳)

T: Where is he ?

Ss; On the playground.(指指外面学校草场的方向或用手比划出一个大操场的样子)

6. 播放Listen, look and match部分录音.


7.做Let’s Practise(I).

Do in pairs. 看谁是今天的参与之星。



学生A指着打乒乓球的同学说 :Look! They are playing ping-pong.

学生B看了看每日活动的安排表说; They play ping-pong on Tuesday.

学生A: Let’s go and join them.

学生B: OK. Let’s .

8.做Let’s practice(II).

由一个同学做动作模仿某种动作,让别的同学猜他在干什么。 如:

老师可让一个学生做跳绳的动作然后问大家:What is he /she doing?

学生根据学生所做的动作回答:He/ She is jumping rope.