
二年级英语下册教案之What are you doing?


lesson 5 What are you doing?

上一课我们学习了现在进行时态表示某人正在干什么。这节课我们进一步学习现在进行时态,重点学习现在进行时态的特殊疑问句What are you/they doing? What is he/she doing? I’m … ,Is she …等句型和make a present, Friday, draw a picture, listen to the radio, sing songs等词汇。同时教育学生学会使用礼貌用语并关心他人。



I’m making a present for my mother in my room.

What are they/you/pupils doing?

What is he she doing?

Is she listening to the radio?

2.会说会用会写这些单词: make a present, Friday, draw a picture ,listen to the radio, sing songs

3 初步了解感叹句.

4 会说、会用日常口语:Let me help you. Thanks a lot. That’s OK.


1 教师以25页的主图为参考,准备一个flash课件来引出本课话题。

2 教师准备文具pen, pencil, ruler, eraser, bag …等。

3 录音机和相关部分的录音带。

4 make a present, Friday, draw a picture ,listen to the radio, sing songs


5 妈妈的照片,周五的日历。

6 27,28和29页的图片若干套。

7 已做好的礼物一个。

8 师生准备洗脸的毛巾,画画的彩笔,电视,收音机,唱歌用的话筒,作业本和笔,做礼物用的剪刀,彩纸,彩带等。


1. 热身(Warming up)


教师出示文具pen, pencil, ruler, eraser, bag ……之后告诉学生:All of these are mine. They can move. Please close your eyes.教师将文具藏在课桌底下/桌子上,书包里,文具盒里等问:I can't find my ruler, Where is it?用此方法复习Where is /are…? It’s in/on/under…句型。


Mary: Mum,Mum,where is my crayon?

Mum: It’s in your pencil-case. What are you doing, Mary?

Mary: I’m making a present for my friend-LiShan. This Friday is her birthday.

Mum: That’s great. Oh, what day is today?

Mary: It's Wednesday.

Mum: Wednesday, Only one day is left. Let me help you.

Mary: Thank you, Mum.

2.新课展示(New Presentation)


1)老师拿出彩纸和剪刀做礼物,边做边说:Make a present. Make a present. Let’s make a present .


老师问:What are you doing?

老师引导学生说:I am making a present .

老师出示星期五的日历说 :This Friday is my mother’s birthday. (出示母亲的照片)。(边做礼物边说)I’m making a present for her.

老师展示已作好的礼物,Present, present, it’s a present. It’s a present for my mother.

2) 老师走到一位女同学面前问:What about you?

老师引导女同学回答:I’m making a present for my grandmother.

老师伸出大拇指说:You are really a nice girl!(同时教育学生要关心他人)

边说边拿起她的工具帮她:Let me help you .(同时教育学生要主动帮助他人)

女生: Thanks a lot.(同时教育学生当别人帮助你时要及时感谢他人)

两个人一起边做边说:We are making presents together.




T: Listen, boys and girls, Beautiful songs?

老师故意说一个正在画画的同学的名字:Is he /she singing songs?

Ss : No, no,

老师指着那个同学问T: What is he/she doing?

老师引导学生说:She is drawing a picture. Draw a picture, draw a picture.


Now, Look at the picture, What is he doing?

老师引导学生说:He is listening to the radio, listening to the radio.

老师指着一个在收听收音机同学的名字:How about xx? Is he listening to the radio too?

Ss: Yes, he is listening to the radio.

老师拿出悠悠球边玩边说This is a yo-yo.I am playing with a yo-yo.

老师指着打排球的学生问 T: Are xx and xx playing with yo-yo ,too?

Ss : No, they aren’t.

T: What are they doing?

Ss :They are playing volleyball.

T: Volleyball ,I like playing volleyball ,too. Let’s join them.

3 小结:

1) What are you doing?

I am dong….

2) Is he/she doing…?

Are the boys/girls /they doing…?

3) What is he /she doing?

What are the boys/girls/they doing?

4 巩固活动


L:What are you doing?

第1个同学边拿出自己的图片边说:I am watching TV.

L: What are you doing?

第2个同学边画画边说:I am drawing a picture.组长指着第一个同学问:Is he drawing a picture too? 第2个同学答:No, he isn’t.

组长继续问: What is he doing?

第2个学生答:He is watching TV.

L: What are you doing?

第3个同学边拿出自己的图片边说:I am listening to the radio.

组长指着前两个同学问:Are they listening to the radio too? 第3个同学答:No, they aren’t.

组长继续问: What are they doing?

学生指着第一个学生说He is watching TV. 学生指着第二个学生说She is drawing a picture.



T: Let’s listen to a dialogue, then answer the questions.


T: Where is Mary?

Ss: She is in her room.

T: What is she doing?

Ss: She is making a present.

T: Is it for her mother or her father?

Ss: It’s for her mother.

T: What day is her mother’s birthday?

Ss: This Friday .

T: Is Mary a nice girl?

Ss: Yes ,she is .

T: Does Kate help Mary?

Ss: Yes, she does.

6. 播放Listen, look and match部分录音.


7.做Let’s Practise(I).


如:学生可拿着自己的图片,走到另一位同学跟前问:What are you doing?

若该生的回答和自己的一样,I am doing…,too. We are friends. 反之,则说Sorry,继续找。

8. Let’s Practise(II).


老师走到一个听收音机同学1跟前:T: What are you doing?

同学1边听收音机边说:I am listening to the radio.

老师指着写作业的同学2问: :What is he doing? Is he listening to the radio, too?

同学1说:No, he is doing his homework.