
二年级英语下册教案之I’m sorry.


Lesson 8 I’m sorry.

本课通过I’m sorry. I’m late. My bike is broken.等句型和词汇学习,学习 “主系表”结构,掌握三个形容词sorry, tired, broken的意义和用法及名词seat。初步了解过去时态和情态动词May的意思及引导的表示请求的句子:May I use your book? May I use you pen?等。 同时教育学生要使用礼貌用语。


1 会说会用这些句子:I’m sorry. I’m late. My bike is broken.

That’s all right. May I use your book?

2.会说会用会写这些单词: sorry, tired, broken,get, use.

3 学习“主系表”结构。

4 了解一般过去时的意义及其否定句的表示法。

5 情态动词May的意思和用法。


1 教师准备坏了的手表。

2 录音机和相关部分的录音带。

3 sorry,tired,broken,seat的单词卡片。

4 老师以43页的图片为参考,制作一个flash课件。

5 教师让部分学生准备榔头。

6 老师准备46页的两幅图片,再准备几幅类似的图片:如,不小心踩了别人的脚,不小心泼了别人一盆水,不小心把别人手里的东西碰掉,不小心把别人的东西弄坏了,不小心把墨水弄到别人衣服上等。

7 师生准备坏了的文具,手表,玩具自行车,椅子等。


1. 热身(Warming up)


Mary: What time is it?

Li Shan:I’m sorry, I didn’t get my watch today.

Jack:It’s a quarter to eight. I’m late for school.

Mary:May I use your bike,Jack?

Jack:Sorry, My bike is broken.

Mary:That’s all right.

Mary:Hurry up! Hurry up! Here I am.

Mary:Sorry, May I come in?

Miss Green:Come in, Please. You look tired.

Mary:I haven’t got a bike, and I ran here.

Miss Green:Oh, I see. Please go to your seat and sit down.

Mary:Thank you.

2.新课展示(New Presentation)


1)老师故意稍微晚点并匆忙跑进教室,气喘嘘嘘的说:I’m sorry. I’m late.

Ss: That’s all right,

T : My bike is broken.(示词卡),broken, broken, broken . I ran here(做跑的动作)。

Ss: You ran here .

T: Ran的原形是 run , ran 是run的过去式。这个句子表示: 我刚刚跑来的。当我们要表示发生过的事情时,用动词的过去式。

Ss: I’m tired,I’m so tired. tired, tired,(老师做累了状)。


T:I want to sit down. Where ‘s my seat?

T: 老师指着学生的座位,They are your seats. You have your seats. Where is my seat?老师找到一个空位说:Here’s a seat.

老师走过去时故意把一个同学的脚踩了一下,或把一个同学的东西碰掉,边拣东西边说:Sorry, sorry. I’m sorry. 并引导学生说:That’s all right,

3)老师问学生What’s the time?

学生回答: It’s …

老师边看着自己的表边说:But my watch is….(老师故意和学生说的不一样)

然后再重复学生的话:You watch is….My watch is ….Oh, My watch is broken. OK, now open your books to page43/

老师忽然发现自己没带书:Where’s my book? Oh, It’s too bad. I didn’t get my book today.

T: 老师走到一个学生跟前,将手伸开问:May I use your book?

Ss: Yes, please.

T: Thank you

T: 老师走回自己的位置,看了看自己的椅子说:My chair is broken .想修椅子发现没带榔头: I haven’t got a hammer.

T: 老师走到一个没带榔头的学生跟前,将手伸开问:May I use yours?

Ss: Sorry, I didn’t get my hammer today.

T: 老师走到一个学生跟前,将手伸开问:May I use yours?

Ss: Yes, please.

T: Thank you!

4)老师修理了一下椅子说:I’m tired。然后老师故意指一个学生说:I’m tired. Can you help me? 学生接过榔头干了几下:老师说:You look tired。

Look在这是“看起来”的意思,是系动词,后面可跟形容词,表示看起来怎么样。如: You look happy. He looks sad. These flowers look beautiful等等。


1)当我们说过去没做某事时,在这个动词前加did not 或 didn’t ,这是过去式的否定式。例如:我刚才看电视了,I watched TV just now.你刚才没看电视。You didn’t watch TV.今天小红没带英语书.Xiao Hong didn’t get her English book today.

2)当我们要表示客气的向别人请求时,我们可以说:“May I …”,表示“我可以…吗?” 。回答通常用Yes, please.表肯定。 Sorry, you can’t.表否定.




I’m sorry. I’m late.

That’s all right.

You look tired.

My bike is broken.

Go to your seat and sit down.


That’s OK.

Oh, I didn’t get my book today?

May I use yours?

5. 听录音学习对话:

T: Let’s listen to a dialogue, then answer the questions.

(播放对话部分录音, 抢答,抢答正确者为所在的组赢得一分)

T: How many people are there in the dialogue?

Ss: There are two people in the dialogue.

T: What are they?

Ss: One is Miss Green. the other is a girl.

T: What ‘s the their relationship ?relationship 是关系。

Ss: They are teacher and student.

T: What’s wrong with the girl?

Ss: Her bike is broken.

T: How did she come to school?

Ss: She ran there.

T; Is she tired?

Ss: Yes, She looks very tired.

6. 播放Listen ,look and match部分录音.


7.做Let’s practice(I).通过理解致歉语启发学生掌握其应答短语。


致歉:Sorry或I’m sorry.

应答:That’s OK.或That’s all right.

8. 做Let’s Practise(II). 任务大赢家


S1: What’s the time, S2?

S2: I’m sorry. I didn’t get my watch today.

S1; That’s OK.

学生1又走到另一个学生的面前说:I didn’t get my watch today? May I use yours?

S3:Yes, Please.

sorry , That’ OK . use ,I’m sorry. didn’t get