
二年级英语下册教案之Unit 3 I have breakfast at seven thirty.


Unit 3 I have breakfast at seven thirty.

前两课我们学习了时间的表达以及现在是该干什么的时间了。这一课我们来学习词组wash the face, play games, do the homework, watch TV ,have supper并能用这些词组进行重点句型Is it time to do sth? 和特殊疑问句What time do you …?的替换练习,同时学会使用What about you? Me, too等日常用语。



一般疑问句Is it time to do sth?和特殊疑问句What time do you --?的替换练习。

2.会说会用会写这些动词短语: wash the face, play games, do the homework, watch TV ,have supper .

3 学会使用日常口语What about you? Me ,too等.



2 录音机及录音带;

3 吃晚饭,看电视,做作业,玩游戏,洗脸等的单词卡片及相关用品。

4 电视荧屏(电视里有一档周末学生如何合理安排自己的时间的节目)

5 学生准备形书17页的游戏棋盘和骰子;

6 学生准备吃晚饭,看电视,做作业,玩游戏,洗脸等的相关用品及钟表。


1. 热身(Warming up)

1)老师、 学生进行对话引出本课话题.

T: Hello, boys and girls!

S: Hi, Miss Liu.

T: Is it time to play games?

S; No, it’s time for class.

T: What time do you play games?

S: At four thirty.

T: What time do you do your homework?

S: At seven thirty.

T: That’s good.

2.新课展示(New Presentation)

老师通过钟表,吃晚饭,看电视,做作业,玩游戏,洗脸等的单词卡片及相关用品讲解课文重点句型和词汇。在黑板上从左到右依次张贴对应的时间钟表,单词图片,重点的句子It’s time to…和Is it time to…(红色标注)。

1)老师拿出Mike的钟表问What’s this ?

Mike: (看了看说)It’s a clock.

老师继续问: Is this your clock, Mike?

Mike: (仔细看了看)Yes, it’s my clock.

2)老师拿着钟表拨出不同的时间让学生复习巩固What time is it?/What’s the time? It’s… .It’s time to get up/ have lunch/have breakfast.等

3)老师把钟表拨到7:15问 : What time is it? Ss: It’s seven fifteen.

老师边拿出脸盆和毛巾不断的做洗脸的动作边说:It’s time to wash the face. Wash the face,(同时将It’s time to wash the face. 的句子写在黑板上)还可边洗脸边唱:This is the way wash the face, wash the face. wash the face in the early morning.

4)老师用用同样的方法教授play games, do the homework, watch TV, have supper等短语.

5)老师再把钟表拨到6:30分问:What time is it? Ss: It’s six thirty.

老师问:Is it time to wash the face? 同时将Is it time to wash the face? 的句子写在黑板上.接着回答No, it’s time to have supper.

6)老师再把钟表拨到7:30分问:What time is it? Ss: It’s seven thirty.

老师问Is it time to play games?同时将Is it time to wash the face? 的句子写在黑板上.接着回答No, It’s time to do the homework. Yes, It’s time to do your homework. Please do your homework.并拿出笔和作业本开始做作业。

7)老师再把钟表拨到7:00问:What time is it? Ss: It’s seven o’clock.

老师问Is it time to have supper?同时将Is it time to have supper? 的句子写在黑板上.接着回答No, it’s time to watch TV. Now it’s time to Watch TV.并拿出事先准备好的电视荧屏(电视里有一档周末学生如何合理安排自己的时间的节目)。


1 get up at seven o’clock

2 wash face at seven fifteen

3 have breakfast. at seven thirty

4 have lunch at eleven forty-five

5 p lay games at four fifty

6 have supper , at six thirty

7 watch TV at seven o’clock

8 do the homework at seven thirty

9 go to bed at nine o’clock

8)老师问:What time do you get up, Mike?

Mike: At eight o’clock.

T: Eight o’clock. You get up at eight o’clock. What time do you get up, Mary?

Mary: I get up at seven o’clock.

T: What about you, Tom?

Tom: Me ,too.

老师问:What time do you have supper, Peter?

Peter : At seven o’clock.

T: seven o’clock. You get up at seven o’clock. What time do you have supper, John?

John: I have supper at six thirty.

T: What about you, Alice?

Alice: Me, too


本课我们学习了Is it time to…句型用来询问现在是该干什么的时间了吗?和What time do you…句型用来询问对方什么时间干某某事。回答时在几点钟英语用介词 at。同时也学习了如果想问另一个人同样的问题可用What about you?如果回答和前一个人一样可以用:Me, too.



老师可让每个学生写出自己周末的安排,几点起床,吃早饭,洗脸,看电视,做作业,玩游戏,吃午饭,吃晚饭,上床睡觉等。让后让学生运用重点句型It’s ---.Is it time to do sth. 和特殊疑问句What time do you --?互相询问,参照电视屏幕上的合理安排看看谁周末安排的最合理。


T: Let’s listen to a dialogue again, then answer the questions.


T: What’s the time?

Ss; It’s seven fifty/fifteen.(学生把钟表拨到7:50/7:15)

T: Sorry, It’s seven fifteen, not fifty. Is it time to get up?(做起床穿衣状或拿出get up的单词卡片)

Ss: No,

T; Is it time to have breakfast? (做吃早饭状或拿出have breakfast的单词卡片)

Ss: No, It’s time to wash the face.(做洗脸状或拿出wash the face的单词卡片)

T: What time do you have breakfast? 做吃早饭状或拿出have breakfast的单词卡片)

Ss: At seven thirty. How about you? (学生把钟表拨到7:30)

T: Me, too. (老师把钟表也拨到7:30)

6. 播放Listen, look and match部分录音.


7.做Let’s practice (I )


学生A出示吃晚饭的图片或做吃晚饭的动作问:What time do you have supper?

学生B将钟表拨到六点钟说: I have supper at six o’clock.

8.做 Let’s practice (II)


让学生拿出事先准备的17页的游戏棋盘和骰子;两个学生一组玩掷骰子的游戏,骰子掷到几点就走到相应的位置,运用What’s the time?/What time do you …?来提问,掷骰子的同学用 It’s time to…/I …at…来回答。回答不出来或错误则换对方玩。看谁是今天的超级游戏大赢家。