
在线版教案:Unit5 Streets Lesson30



图1 This is a story about an elephant.What do you see in picture 1? Or what do you see in the street? ( I can see ….or There is ….)OK.The clown rides the elephant.They meet Lily and Bill in the street.The clown introduces Elephant to Bill and Lily.He says,“Hi, Bill and Lily.This is my friend, Elephant.”Bill and Lily say to elephant,“Hello, Elephant.”

图2 Look at picture 2.Do you know where they are going? Let's guess.OK! They are going to the zoo.

图3 Look at picture 3.Bill and Lily ride the elephant, too.What colour is the traffic light now? ( ….)Yes.The traffic light is getting green.The clown says,“The traffic light is green.Let's go.”

图4 What do you see in picture 4? ( I see)A man trundles a bike toward the elephant.There are some bananas on the bike.He says to the elephant,“Hi, Elephant! ”The traffic light is yellow.What happens now? Look at picture 5, please.

图5 The elephant stops in the middle of the road.All the vehicles can't go.A policeman comes and says,“Why are you stopping here? Go!” WHY? (….)

图6 Look at Picture 6.What are the people doing now? (….)What do they want to do? (….)All the people are pushing the elephant.They want to move the elephant.But the elephant is still in the middle of the road.

图7 Look at Picture 7.Who has got a good idea? (….)The elephant walks across the road.Do you know how the elephant walks across the road?










9.为了使每个学生都参与活动,角色扮演时应采取group work的形式,并给每个孩子适当的表扬。