
教案:Streets Lesson27


(1)让学生看录像(与本课内容有关的录像),以此来帮助学生理解对话,同时对学生 进行安全教育。





Yaoyao: Hi, Binbin.Where are you going?

Binbin: I'm going to the hospital.

Yaoyao: By bus?

Binbin: No, by subway.

Lily: Excuse me, where is the subway station?

Woman: It is next to the bus stop.

Andy: Bill! Don't play in the street!


Boy: What do you see in the picture?

Girl: I see streets, a park, a zoo, a school, a book store, a supermarket in the picture.

Boy: What's in the streets?

Girl: There is a car, a bus, a bicycle in the streets.

Boy: What's next to the book store?

Girl: There is a supermarket next to the book store.

Boy: What colour is the bus?

Girl: It's yellow.

Boy: How many boys in the streets?

Girl: Three boys.

Boy: How many girls in the streets?

Girl: Four girls.


1.引导学生把掌握对话的情况用 和 记入学习档案。可以尝试同伴互相评价的方法,如在课堂活动过程中,以小组为单位,对组内同学的表现进行评价。可以填写评价表格,并将表格放入学生学习档案。