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范文:I’ve got a beautiful school. It is a lovely place. I like my school. There is a swimming pool, a library, a playground and a lot of classrooms in my school. I often read books and play on the playground at school.

第九天 第18页

a. 反义词:small, thin, short, dirty, slow, weak, young, cold, short, above, sad, loud

b. 比较级:bigger, fatter, taller, cleaner, quicker, stronger, older, hotter, longer, smaller, happier, quieter, thinner, shorter, colder, slower, sadder, nosier, dirtier.

第十天 第20页

1. tallest 2. easier 3. reach 4. off 5. easily 6. many 7. stand 8. choosing

参考答案:I don’t want to be the tallest man in the world. Because I can’t do many things, for example, I can’t buy the right shoes, clothes or the right bed. That makes me sad.

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