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【摘要】2014年寒假已经来到,相信很多同学既充满惊喜,又夹杂着烦恼。喜得是寒假带给自己的自由与欢乐,忧的是老师布置的寒假作业没办法完成。为了帮助大家合理高效的安排寒假学习,威廉希尔app 小学频道为大家提供2014年二年级寒假作业英语答案,让大家度过一个快乐轻松的寒假!

Listening ( 50%)

一、 Listen and choose the correct words (听录音,选出听到的单词,将其编号填入题前括号内)10%

( ) 1. A. tree B. three

( ) 2. A. coat B. cold

( ) 3. A. tall B. tail

( ) 4. A. short B. shirt

( ) 5. A. wind B. winter

( ) 6. A. slow B. snow

( ) 7. A. bell B. belt

( ) 8. A. red B. read

( ) 9. A. Coke B. cake

( ) 10. A. sleep B. sweep

二、 Tick the correct picture. (听录音,勾出正确的单词) 6%

(1) (2)

( )( )( )( )

(3) (4)

( )( )( )( )

(5) (6)

( )( )

( )( )

三、 Listen and number (给你听到的句子编号)10%

( )I’m from Shanghai.

( )I have got a blues dress.

( )Christmas is coming.

( )I can make a snowman with my friends.

( )Hello, I’m Angela.

( )It’s short.

( )I live in Pudong.

( )Listen to the wind.

( )I need a new one in winter.

( )We are very happy.

四、 Listen and choose the right sentences. (听录音选出正确的句子)5%

()(1)A. The pink rubber is very long.

B. The pink ruler is very long.

()(2)A. Say “thank you” to your teacher.

B. Say “goodbye” to your teacher.

()(3)A. The kitten is in the building.

B. The kitten is in the bin.

()(4)A. He is reading a book in the classroom.

B. She is reading a book in the classroom.

()(5)A. I can see a yellow light. Wait!

B. I can see a red light. Stop!

五、 Listen and fill in the correct words. (听录音,选择正确的词填空) 11%

(1)Look at the ______ ______. It is very fast.

(2)I have got ______ orange and ______ sweets.

(3)Put on your new ______ and ______.

(4)It is the green ______. You can ______ now.

(5)I can see a yellow ______ on the ______. So beautiful.

(6)Come and fly a ______ with me.

六、 Listen and judge. (听录音,判断下列句子与听到的句子是否一致,相同的用T,不同用表示F) 8%

1. Peter has got a ball. ( )

2. My brother has my hot dog. ( )

3. Mary lives in Shanghai. ( )

4. Sue goes to school by bicycle. ( )

5. Sam is very thirsty. ( )

6. Lily’s mother is a beautiful doctor. ( )

7. Sam has a scarf. It’s blue ( )

8. The snowman has got big eyes and a short nose. ( )

Reading: 50 %

一、 Write the sentence.(正确抄写下列句子) 6%

my mother needs a new dress

二、 Look and judge. (判断下列单词是否属于同类,相同写T, 不同写F)8 %

1.shirtshoe( )2.snowcold( )

3.swingside( )4.readred( )

5.whitewrite( )6.waitstop( )

7.moonmooncake( )8.catrabbit( )

三、 Write the correct words. (看图写单词)6%



四、 Choose the correct answer. (选择,将正确的代号填入前面的括号内)10%

( )1.The sun is ________ the sky.


( )2.I can taste ________ my mouth.


( )3.________ you draw a dog? Yes, I can.


( )4.The apples ________ big and red.


( )5.This is my sister. ________ is a nurse.


( )6.I am ________. Can I have some noodles?


( )7.What is ________ father? He is a teacher?

A.youB.yourC.you are

( )8.He likes to swim. I like to ________, too.


( )9.Eat ________ hot dog and drink ________ milk.


( )10.________ the wind. It is cold.

A.LookB.Look atC.Listen to

五、 Questions and answers. (根据实际情况回答问题) 10%

1. Where do you live? I ________ ________ Shanghai.

2. How are you? I’m ________.

3. Where is your pencil-box? It’s ________ the ________.

4. Can you fly a kite? ________, I ________.

5. How do you go to school? I go to school ________ ________..

6. What do you like to drink? I like to drink ________ .

六、 Readings. (阅读对话判断,与对话内容一致的用”T”表示,不一致的用”F”表示)10%

(1) Sam’s Birthday

Hello, I am Joe. I am eight. I have got a brother. He is Sam. Today is Sam’s birthday. He is three now. My mum and dad give him a new bicycle. I give Sam a blue ball. He likes the ball very much. He says, “Boys all like the ball.”

(1)Today is Joe’s birthday.( )

(2)Joe is Sam’s brother.( )

(3)Joe is three years old.( )

(4)Sam’s mother gives him a ball.( )

(5)Sam likes the ball very much.( )

(2) You Are a Cat

Judy:Here is the pet shop.

Mum:Look, Judy! The mouse is white. The parrot’s green.

Judy:The kittens are black and white.

Mum:They’re very furry. The puppies are small and brown.

Judy:Oh, I like this cat.

Kitten:Woof! Woof!

Judy:Say miaow! You’re a cat.

Kitten:No, I’m a dog.

Judy:She’s a dog. You’re a cat! She’s big and brown. You’re small and black. Her legs are long. Your legs are short.

Judy:The dog likes sticks. She runs. She swims. She eats bones. She’s a DOG.

Judy:You like the ball. You play. You like birds. You’re a CAT.

(1)Here is a toy shop.( )

(2)The parrot is blue.( )

(3)The kittens are very furry.( )

(4)The dog swims and plays with the ball.( )

(5)The cat likes birds.( )






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