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摘要:二年级英语寒假作业对于学生来说也是一项不小的任务,威廉希尔app 的小编在这里为大家整理了二年级寒假英语作业选择题,希望可以帮助大家更好的完成寒假作业。

Read and choose.(根据问题,选择正确的答案)

( ) 1 What time is it? _____

A I’m nine. B It’s seven thirty.

( ) 2 How much is twenty plus one? _____

A Nineteen. B Twenty-one.

( ) 3 Give me an apple, please. _______

A Thank you. B O.k. Here you are.

( ) 4 Is she your class teacher? _______

A Yes, she is. B Yes, he is.

( ) 5 Where are you from? ______

A I love Pudong. B I’m from Pudong.

( ) 6 A: Let’s take a walk. B: _________.

A Great B Bye-bye.

( ) 7 May I speak _____ your mother?

A on B to

. Read and choose. (阅读下列短文,选择正确的答案)

This is Tom. He is my friend. He is tall. He is fat. He is nine years old.

He can draw and write. He likes apples.

( ) 1Tom is my _________.

A. father B. friend C. mother

( ) 2 Tom is a __________.

A. boy B. girl C. teacher ww w.x kb1.com

( ) 3 Tom is ___________.

A. short and fat B. tall and thin C. tall and fat

( ) 4 Tom can __________.

A. draw B. dance C. sing

( ) 5 He likes to eat __________.

A. apples B. lemons C. oranges






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