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(    ) 5. A. run          B. skate     C. rope     D. skip

(    ) 6. A. purple     B. orange     C. pink     D. black

(    ) 7. A. hear         B. smooth   C. see      D. touch

(    ) 8. A. he      B. she     C. it     D. my

(    ) 9. A. lion   B. giraffe  C. cat   D. tiger

(    ) 10. A. hard     B. hand     C. tail       D. ear


(    ) 1. What are they?

A. They are orange.    B. They are oranges.

(    ) 2. Look! What is that?

A. It’s a black cat.        B. It’s black.

(    ) 3. What colour is it?

A. It’s a black dog.       B. It’s black.

(    ) 4. What colour is the bus?

A. It is green.        B. They are green.

(    ) 5. Do you like snakes?

A. Yes, I like.           B. No, I don’t.

(    ) 6. Can you see a frog?

A. Yes, I can.      B. Yes, I do.


Class         Name         Grade


What do you like eating, Peter?  I like eating bananas.


see  Listen  What  What colour  There  They  swim  swimming

Look! I can _______ a kite in the sky.   ____________ is it? It’s yellow.

__________ is it?  It’s a yellow kite.

___________!  I can hear a dog.

I can _________ in the water. I like __________ in the water.

What are they? ___________ are hippos.

How many monkeys? ___________ are two monkeys.


(    ) 1. Do you like hopping? Yes, I _____.

A. like              B. do

(    ) 2. What can you do, Kitty? _____ can sing.

A. She              B. I

(    ) 3. Can you _____? Yes, I can.

A. run              B. running

(    ) 4. Listen! What can you_____? A cat.

A. see              B. hear

(    ) 5. How many tigers? I can see ____ tiger.

A. one              B. three

(    ) 6. What are they? _______ cats.

A. It’s              B. They’re

(    ) 7.______ are they? They are oranges.

A. What              B. What colour

(    ) 8. What food do you like? I like ___ salad.

A. eat               B. eating

(    ) 9. Happy birthday, Ben! A kite _____ you!

A. for              B. to

(    )10. Can I help you?  ________.

A. Here you are.      B. A pen, please.


Do you like riding a bicycle? •   • Yes, I can.

Can you ride a bicycle?   •   • Yes, I do

What can you do?   •   • They are snakes.

What colour are they?   •   • They are pink.

What are they?     •   • I can ride a bicycle.

What is this?     •   • It’s a bear.


A: What are _________?

B: They are ______________.

A: Are they __________?

B: Yes, they’re very tall.

A: What colour are they?

B: They are ___________.

A: Can they __________?

B. No, they can’t fly. They can walk.

A: What do they _______ eating?

B: They like ___________ leaves.

A: _______ you like them?

B: Yes, I like them all.


Class         Name         Grade

一、正确抄写下列句子, 注意大小写和标点

What do you like eating, Peter?  I like eating noodles.


1. What do you like            (eat / eating)?

I like eating           (banana / bananas).

2. What do you like                  (drink / drinking)?

I like drinking water.

3. Do you like ______________ (hop / hopping)?

Yes, I __________ (can / do).

4. Look at me. I can ______________ (ride / riding) a bicycle.

5. I like carrots. ______________ (It’s / They’re) sweet.

6. What colour are the butterflies?

______________ (It’s / They’re) purple.


(    )1. I like ___________.   A. skip  B. skipping

(    )2. I can ___________.   A. skate  B. skating

(    )3. _____ you like drawing?  A. Do   B. Can

(    )4. Can you write? No, I _____. A. don’t  B. can’t

(    )5. Do you like jumping?  Yes, I _______.

A. do       B. don’t

(    )6. Do you like _______?  No, I like hopping.

A. hopping      B. running


(   ) 1. What are they?

A. They are zebras.      B. They are black and white.

(   ) 2. What is this?

A. It’s a giraffe.          B. This is a giraffe.

(   ) 3. What do you see?

A. I see a panda.      B. I can see a panda.

(   ) 4. What colour are the lions?

A. It is brown.      B. They are brown.

(   ) 5. Do you like snakes?

A. Yes, I like.         B. No, I don’t.

(   ) 6. Can you see an elephant?

A. Yes, I can.       B. Yes, I do.


1.sing_________   2.write_________     3.dance_________

4.skate_______    5.ride__________     6.run_________

7.hop__________  8.skip_______         9.draw_________

10.fly________    11.eat__________     12.swim_________


do   like     elephants     an      bees    elephant

1. What do you _____________?  I like monkeys.

2. What __________ you see?  I see __________ orange fox.

3. Peter likes _____________.

4. I can see two ________________ on the flower.

5. Danny can draw an ________________.


This is my friend, Eddie. He is tall and fat. He is eight. He can ride a bicycle. Look! He can draw tigers. The tigers are big and strong. They’re yellow. They can run fast. They like eating meat. Eddie likes tigers best.

(    ) 1. Eddie is tall and thin.

(    ) 2. Eddie isn’t seven.

(    ) 3. Eddie can draw a bicycle.

(    ) 4. The tigers are small.

(    ) 5. Tigers like eating meat.

(    ) 6. Eddie’s favourite animal is tiger.






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