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威廉希尔app 为大家提供二年级下册英语周练试题,供大家参考练习!


Class         Name         Grade

Read and write: (正确抄写下面单词和词组)

beautiful rainbow       in the park        two rabbits

Read and circle: (读一读,圈出不同类的词)

1. yellow          red          ride          blue

2.   see            hear         draw         white

3.   flowers         trees        grass         pears

4.   orange         purple       pink          brown

5.   three           two         ten           they

三. Read and choose: (读一读,选出正确的答案)

(   )1.I can see two ______

A. butterflys      B. butterflies       C. butterfly

(   )2.What colour are the birds? _________ yellow.

A. It is           B. They are        C. they are

(   )3.The bag is not _____.It’s soft

A. hard          B. soft            C. rough

(   )4.Look!What can you ____?

A. see           B. hear            C. do

(   )5.Do you like_______?

A. apple         B. apples           C. an apple

(   )6.I can see some flowers. _________ purple.

A. They are       B. It is            C. they are

(   )7.What ____ you see?   I see the rainbow.

A. can           B. do             C. are

(   )8.What colour do you see?   I see ______.

A. yellow        B. a pear           C. a yellow pear

四.Read and circle: (读问句,选出正确应答句的编号)

(   )1. What colour are the apples?

A. They’re red.         B. It’s red.

(   )2. Is your bag hard?

A. Yes, it is.          B. No. It’s hard.

(   )3. Touch this. Is it rough?

A. No. It’s soft.         B. No. It’s smooth.

(   )4. Do you like it?

A. Yes, I like.            B. Yes, I do.

(   )5. What colour are they?

A. They are red.         B. They are red apples.

五.Read and choose: (选出正确的应答句)

(   )1. What colour is the butterfly?    A. I can see nice flowers.

(   )2. What can you see?        B.Three butterflies.

(   )3. How many butterflies?     C.It’s orange and black.

(   )4. What colour are your shoes?   D.I like purple.

(   )5. What colour do you like?    E.They are orange.

六.Read and tick: (读对话,在横线上填入正确的单词)

Dad:   Happy New year, Danny.

A gift for you.

Danny: Thank you, Dad.

What is it?

Dad:  Touch and guess.

Is it soft?

Danny: No, it’s hard. Is it a watch?

Dad:   No. Open it and see.

Danny: Wow! It’s a toy car.

It’s blue. How cool!


Class         Name         Grade


Happy Birthday, Kitty.               It’s for you.


1. white          A. blue        B. brown      C. black

2.   smooth        A. hard       B. rough       C. round

3.   soft           A. hear        B. hand       C. hard

4.   small          A. big         B. bag        C. beautiful

5.   cold           A. warm       B. hot         C. cool

三. 读句子,选择正确的单词填空

1.  Look,this new watch is ________ ( for, four ) you.

2.  What colour ________ ( is, are ) the watches?

3.  Is ______ ( it, they ) my gift?  Yes, _______ ( it, they ) is.

4.  - ________ ( This, Touch ) the robot(机器人).

- Wow! It’s hard and ________. ( smooth, soft )

四 找邻居

1、____ h ____   2、____ d ____  3、____Q ____   4、____ j ____

5、____ i ____   6、____ t ____   7、____ R ____  8、c____ ____

五 读句子,用is或are填空(如果在句子开头,注意大小写)

1. What _______ they? They_______ elephants. They _______ big and strong. w    W w  .X k b 1.c O m

2. Touch the bag. _______ it hard? Yes, it _______.

3. What colour _______ the butterfly? It _______ yellow.

4. What colour _______ the apples? They _______ red.

5. My nose _______ small and my ears _______ big.

6. The toy pig _______ hard and the toy bears _______ soft.


(    ) 1. What ____ you see? I see a kite.

A. do                   B. can

(    ) 2. ______ is Ming? Beside the window.

A. Where                  B. What colour

(    ) 3. What colour are the pens? ___ pink.

A. It’s                  B. They are

(    ) 4. _____ the apple.  It’s smooth.

A. Touch                   B. Eat

(    ) 5. Down by the road waiting ___ the bus.

A. for                    B. of

(    ) 6. Happy birthday ______ you.

A. for                      B. to

(    ) 7. Do you like hopping? Yes, I _____.

A. like                  B. do

(    ) 8. What can you do, Kitty? _____ can sing.

A. She                  B. I

(    ) 9. Can you _____? Yes, I can.

A. run                  B. running

(    ) 10. How many tigers? There is ____ tiger.

A. one                  B. three

(    ) 11.______ are they?   They are oranges.

A. What                   B. What colour

(    ) 12. What food do you like? I like ___ salad.

A. eat                   B. eating

(    ) 13. Can I help you?  ________.

A. Here you are.         B. A pen, please.


Class         Name         Grade


1.eat_________        2.run_________

3.ride_______          4.skip________

5.skate________        6.hop_______

7.swim________        8.dance_______


1. (   )Listen! What can you ______?

A. smell       B see     C hear

(   )Do you like reading?

A. Yes, I do.    B Yes, I like.     C. Yes, it is .

(   )What do you like eating? I like eating______

A. a salad       B .peach        C. peaches.

(   )I can_______ with my mother.

A. sing      B. singing      C singging

(   )How many ________? One.

A. watch      B. watchs     C watches

(   )Touch this. Is it soft?_____

A .Yes, they are.     B. No, it is soft.     C. Yes.

(   )What colour is the bicycle?_______ yellow.

A. It is     B. Yes, they are       C. They are

(   )Are the _______ white? Yes, they are.

A. sheep      B. sheeps     C. two sheep

(    ) I s the pig fat? No,______.

A. it is .     B it isn’t      C. it is fat.


1. I _______ hop. I _______ hopping on the grass.

2. What ______ you do, Kitty? I ______ sing English songs.

3. Do you _______ dancing? No, I don’t. I ______ drawing.

4. My father and mother _______ reading books.

5. ______ Supergirl fly? Yes, she ______. She ______ flying.

6. ______ I help you?  A pink bag, please.

7. What do you _____ eating? I _____ eating hot dogs very much.


(    ) 1. A. doll        B. bag       C. pen      D. rubber

(    ) 2. A. soft       B. smooth   C. see       D. rough

(    ) 3. A. skip       B. jump     C. strong    D. run

(    ) 4. A. lion   B. dog   C. cat   D. duck


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