


Let me show you how to do it. 我来告诉你怎样做。

Let me pay for myself. 让我自己来付我的那份钱。

Let me have another cup of tea. 给我再来一杯茶。

Let me know if you should hear some more news. 万一你听到更多消息你要通知我。


Let you and I try to make this all right. 让你和我试试把这个做好。


Let her do what she likes. 让她做她想做的事吧。

Let the meat cook slowly. 把肉用慢火炖。

Let XYZ be a triangle. 设XYZ为一个三角形。

Let the two lines be parallel. 假设两条线是平行的。

Let every man do his best. 让每个人人尽其才。

Let him have his own way. 让他照自己的意思做吧!

Let the true cause of the accident be published. 把造成这件意外的真正原因公开吧。

   Let him try that game again on me, and I’ll soon put paid to it. 他如若再和我玩这把戏,我很快就会叫他收起来。


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