


②表示地点;在…周围 Everthing about me is so beautiful 我周围的一切都那么美好。

③关于,对于: We are talking about the news. 我们正在谈论新闻。

after ①在……之后: After dinner I watch TV. 晚饭后我看电视。

②在……后面: He came into the room after me. 他在我后面进了房间。

behind ①在……之后: There is a bike behind the tree. 树后有一辆自行车

②比……晚,迟于: The train is behind time. 火车晚点了

by ①在……旁: He is sitting by the bed. 他正坐在床边。

②到……时候: We have learned three English songs by now.


③以……方式: I go to school by bus. 我乘公共汽车去上学。

④用于某些固定搭配: one by one 一个接一个 by the way 顺便说一句

for ①为,给,替: I'll make a card for my teacher. 我要给老师做张卡片。

②由于: Thank you for helping me. 谢谢你帮我。

③表示给(某人)用的: There is letter for you. 这儿有你一封信。

in ①在……里面: The pencil is in the desk. 铅笔在课桌里。

②在一段时间里: We have four classes in the morning. 我们上午有四节课。

③用,以: What's this in English? 这用英语怎么说?

④在某一年份,季节,月份: in 2002, in spring, in January

⑤表示状态,服饰: Helen is in yellow. 海伦身穿黄色衣服。

⑥在……方面: He is weak in English. 他的英语不行。

⑦用于某些固定搭配: in front of 在……前面 in the end 最后 in time 及时

like ①像……样: He looks like his father. 他像他的父亲。

②这样,那样: Don't look at me like that. 别那样看着我。

③怎样: What's the weather like? 天气怎样。

near 靠近,在……附近: My bed is near the window. 我的床在窗户旁。

of ①的(表示所属关系): This is a photo of my family. 这是一张我家的照片。

②……的(用于所有格): He is a friend of mine. 他是我的一个朋友。

③表示数量(与连词连用): One of us is from Beijing. 我们中有一个来自北京

④想到,谈到: I often think of them. 我常常想到他们。


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