




Dd ______________________________________________ Uu

把下面的句子,正确规范地写在四线格内 (4分)

are you in class three grade five yes i am


二、找出与所给例词划线部分读音相同的单词 (6分)

( ) 1. eraser A. bad B. age C. panda

( ) 2. next A. tree B. cinema C. umbrella

( ) 3. like A. white B. lovely C. ticket

( ) 4. soon A. foot B. room C. bedroom

( ) 5. office A. present B. blouse C. house

( ) 6. mouth A. brother B. three C. clot

三、选择正确答案 (20分)

( ) 1. --- Where is Mrs King? --- She is _____ the bus stop.

A. in B. on C. up D. at

( ) 2. ---How much ____ the jackets?

A is B are C an D am

( )--- Let me _____. Seventy-four yuan.

A. are; see B. is; see C. are; have a look D. is; have a look

( ) 3. ---It’s cold(冷)now. _____ I _____ my coat?

--- Yes, please.

A.Am; put on B. Shall; put on

C. Am; take off D. Shall; take off

( ) 4. ---These footballs are Jack‘s. Give ____ to _____.

--- All right.

A. them; his B. they; his C. them, him D. their; him

( ) 5. ---Excuse me, is this _____ school?

--- No, _____ is next to the post office.

A.your; our B. yours; ours C. yours; our D. your;ours

( ) 6. ---Hi! _____ you Mr Read?

---No, I’m not. Look! The man in black ____ Mr Read.

A. Are; is B. Am; is C. Is; am D. Is; are

( ) 7.---Alice, can you see a photo ___ Mr Green ____ the wall?

--- Yes, I can.

A. on; of B. of; on C. in; of D. of; in

( ) 8. Pingping ____ a small bedroom, but his parents _____ a big one.

A. have; has B. have; have C. has; have D. has; has

( ) 9. Lucy and Lily are in _____ class, but in different ____.

A. same; row B. the same; rows

C. same; rows D. a same; rows

( ) 10. --- I want some grapes. --- OK. _____

A. Here it is B. Give you, please.

C. Here you are D. Have it, please



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