







一、听句子,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出所包含的信息,并将字母标号填写在题前括号内. ( 10 分 )

( )1、A short B stronger C heavier D smaller

( )2、A have a fever B have a cold C have a sore throat D have a headache

( )3、A tired B excited C angry D happy

( )4、A watch B wash C visit D clean

( )5、A fail B match C matter D seal

二、下面你将听到5个问句,请从打乱顺序的答句当中,将能回答每个问句的答句字母标号添入题前括号内. ( 10 分 )

( )1、 A. I’ m 164cm tall.

( )2、 B. I feel tired.

( )3、 C. I’m 45kg.

( )4、 D. I like the yellow one.

( )5、 E. My nose hurts.

三、 听短文判断句子正误,与录音内容一致的在括号内写“T”,不一致得写“F”。( 10 分 )

( ) 1、Jack was going shopping with her mother on Saturday.

( ) 2、Jack didn’t go out on Saturday.

( ) 3、At John’s home , they read books together.

( ) 4、Jack and John played football together.

( ) 5、Jack’s mother was angry because(因为)he forgot to lock the door .




一)、根据汉语意思写单词或词组。( 5 分 )

1、发烧 2、悲伤的 3、更重的 4、更强壮的 5、兴奋的

———— ———— ———— ———— ————


( )、1. A tired B excited C angry D hurt

( )、2. A watched B washed C cleaned D visit

( )、3. A bigger B younger C shorter D heavy

( )、4. A think B feel C kick D medicine

( )、5、A hurt B have a cold C have a fever D bored

二、单项选择 ( 10 分)

( ) 1、______ monkey do you like ? I like the yellow one.

A Which B What C What’s D Where

( ) 2、______ tall is your mother ? She is 164cm tall.

A How B What C How many D When

( ) 3、How _____ are you ? I’m 65kg.

A tall B big C heavy D long

( ) 4、I failed my math test . ______ .

A Oh,sorry B I’m sorry to hear that C Don’t worry

( ) 5、You ______ sad today .

A look B watch C see D look at

( ) 6、______ the matter ? I have a fever .

A What’s B What’re C What D How’s

( ) 7、You are 164cm , I’m 160cm , you are 4cm _____ than me.

A big B bigger C tall D taller

( ) 8、I went to a park ______ bike .

A on B by C in D table

( ) 9、He jumped into the lake and ______ to it .

A swim B swims C swimed D swam

( ) 10、What did you do _______ weekend ?

A last B next C on D at

三、选择正确答案 ( 10 分 )

( ) 1、 Do you have a fever ? A She is sad .

( ) 2、 How are you ? B Yes , I have .

( ) 3、 What’s the matter ? C I’m fine , thanks .

( ) 4、 How does Amy feel ? D Yes , she is tired.

( ) 5、 Is she tired now ? E I have a headache.

四、 题中5个句子分别描述了一幅图画,请将图片的字母标号填写在相应句子前面的括号内。( 10 分 )


( ) 1、 I am sad . ( ) 2、 I’m taller than you .

( ) 3、 I have a headache . ( ) 4、Playing the football .

( ) 5、 Wash clothes .

五、 看图完成对话 ( 10 分 )

1、 A : How does Zhang Peng feel ?

B : He _____ ______ ______ .

2、 A : How ______ are you ?

B : I’m 50kg .

3、 John’s team fails at last .

John feels ______ .

4、 John is going to play football with

his friend . He is ______ .

5、 What did you do last Saturday ?

I _______ ______ _______ .

六、排序 ( 10 分 )

( ) I like the yellow one .

( ) Which monkey do you like .

( ) What about you ?

( ) I like the brown one.

( ) I don’t like the yellow one .








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