





hard______ ________fast________ ___________

early_____ __________happily___________________

carefully______________little_________ _________

far__________ __________badly__________ _________

soon__________ __________near__________ __________

well__________ __________slowly__________ __________


1.Joan dances________.She dances__________ than Rose.But Mary dances__________ in her class.(well)

2.Which do you like__________(well),apples, oranges or pears?

3.My mother always gets up__________in our family, but yesterday my father got up__________than she.(early)

4.Can a plane fly__________than a spaceship(宇宙飞船)? I think a spaceship flies much__________than a plane.(fast)

5.My job is to study English__________(good).

6.Twenty minutes__________(late), she will come with Ann.

7.We should be__________(friend) to old people.

8.I think English is as__________(use) as Chinese.

9.David writes more __________(care) than Jane.

10.The __________(much) food you eat, the __________(far) you’ll get.

11.The train is __________(fast) than the truck.

12.Li Ming is my __________(good) friend in my school.


1.Which is __________, an ant, a snake or a snail?

A fast  B faster  C the fastest

2. Are there__________ hotels near here?

A some  B any  C much

3. Mount Everest is __________ mountain in the world.

A high  B higher  C the highest

4. Which is __________ country in the world?

A large  B largest  C the largest

5.John is the__________ boy in his class.

A cutest  B cute  C cuter

6.Bg birds can even run __________ than a horse.

A fastest  B faster  C fast

7. The water in the river is clearer __________ that in the lake.

A than  B as  C so

8.–Which is __________, the sun, the moon or the earth?

-Of course, the moon is.

A smaller  B smallest  C the smallest

9.–Who jumped the__________ of all in the high jump?

- Liu Ming did.

A longest  B highest  C fastest

10. The Nile is the longest river__________.

A in a world  B in the world  C in world

11. Tom looks as__________ as Mark.

A tall  B taller  C tallest

12. Which do you like __________, the city or the town?

A good  B better  C best

13. Which month do you like__________, January, March or September?

A good  B better  C best

14. Nancy is very__________,Alice is much__________than Nancy, but Jane is __________ of the tree.

A busy, busier, the busiest

B busy, busier, busiest

C busy, more busy, most busy

15. Alice is five and Jane is seven. So Jane is__________ than Alice.

A old  B older  C oldest

16. The ostrich(鸵鸟) is__________ bigger than other birds.

A more  B most  C much

17. Li Ming is __________ taller tan Tony.

A more  B a lot  C most

18. We are sure Shanghai will be much__________ tomorrow.

A better  B best  C the best

19.- __________?

-My favourite animal is deer.

A What do you like

B What would you like

C What’s your favourite animal

20.–Would you like to have a drink?


A I’d like   B Yes, a cup of tea, please   C I don’t like it



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