



二、A:1.boxes 2.pencil-boxes 3.buses 4.men 5.women 6.boys

7.coats 8.watches

B:1.friend朋友 2.behind在…后面 3.picture图画 4.student学生

5.about大约 6.coat外衣 7.sister姐妹 8.meet遇见

9.What are these?They’ re birds.这些是什么?它们是鸟。

10.I can’ t find my watch.我找不到我的手表。

11.their shoes他们的鞋子

12.some flowers一些花

13.play games做游戏

14.They are your bikes.它们是你们的自行车。

C:1.there 2.black 3.them 4.same 5.we 6.be 7.China 8.classes 9.I

11.ther 11.there 12.two

D:1.C 2.B 3.A 4.B 5.C 6.B 7.D 8.B

三、1.What colour 2.What’ s 3.Who 4.What can,see 5.How old are

6.Those are,buses 7.That cat is 8.This,family 9. Are those

10. pencil-box,mine 11.I’ m not 12.What

四、A:1.Mr White and Mr Black are good friends.

2.Lily’ s clock is on her desk,too.

3.I think they are in her pencil-box.

4.Their cars are black.

B:1.What colour are their shirts?

2.Is it LiLei’ s sweater?

3.Are the oranges in the yellow box?

4.Are they all in the same school?

五、1.B 2.B 3.A 4.A 5.D 6.B 7.C 8.C 9.C 10.B 11.C 12.A 13.C

14.B 15.C 16.A 17.B 18.D 19.C 20.A

六、1.I’ m twelve 2.It’ s five 3.Which woman 4.Yes,she is 5.It’ s white

6.Whose are they 7.I am 8.Yes,they are 9.Where’ s the blouse 10.Oh,thank you

七、1.behind 2.under 3.sit down 4.Teacher Li’ s brother 5.at home 6.look at

八、1.It’ s twelve 2.Which,The one,that’ s 3.are,apples

4.No,over there 5.your,Yes,Where,must,you,Not at all



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