



1.—How old are you?

—___________________. (Fine, thank you; I’ m twelve)

2.—What’ s the time?

— ____________________. (It’ s fine; It’ s five)

3.—Who’ s the woman?

—___________________? (Where; Which woman)

4.—Is this your sister?

—____________________(Yes, she is; She is Lucy)

5.—What colour is the skirt?

—____________________. (It’ s white; It’ s a dress)

6.—___________________ ? (Who are they; Whose are they)

—They are mine.

7.—Who’ s on duty today?

—___________________. (Yes, I am; I am)

8.—Are the twins eleven?

—____________________. (The twins are young; Yes, they are)

9.—____________________? (What’ s on the floor; Where’ s the blouse)

—It’ s on the floor.

10.—Jim, your picture is very good.

—____________________. (Oh, thank you; Oh no,it isn’ t)


1.The brooms are__________(在……后面)the door.

2.Her shoes are__________(在……下面)the bed.

3.Please__________(坐下)over there.

4.Who’ s that? That’ s__________(李老师的弟弟)

5.I think he’ s__________(在家)

6.Please__________(看) the blackboard.


1.A:What’ s the time, please? (12∶00)

B:_________ ___________.

2.A:Excuse me! Who’ s the man?


A:_________ ___________ on the bus.

B:Oh,__________ my father.

3.A:What__________these? (苹果)

B:They are__________________.

4.A:Can you see my football?

B:Is it on your desk?

A:__________, it isn’ t.

B:Oh, it’ s_____ ______________

5.A:Is this __________pencil-box, Lucy?

B:__________, it is.__________is it?

A:It’ s under the chair. You__________ look after it.

B:Thank__________ very much.

A:__________ ______________ ____________


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