





(    ) 1.A. ride        B. dive       C. like         D. write

(    ) 2.A. day        B. say        C. says         D. way

(    ) 3.A. work       B. short       C. world       D. doctor

(    ) 4.A. stamp      B. make       C. football      D. back

(    ) 5.A. go         B. do         C. not          D. hobby


1.My sister ________(like) singing.

2.We ________(go) to Kunming last year.

3.They are going to________(play)football after school.

4.Look! She is ________(clean) the room.

5.I ________(read) a book yesterday.

6.Can you ________ (fly) a kite?

7.The monkey’s tail is________ (long) than the rabbit’s.

8.Did she________(teach) English? No ,she didn’t.


1.We left Beijing ________ February 1st .

A. in         B. at        C. on

2. -How ________ are your feet? –I wear Size 6.

A. long       B. big       C. many

3.You have ________ bad cold. You must take ________ medicine.

A. a,some     B. ∕,a       C.the,the

4.-________ did you go on your holiday? –I went to Shanghai.

A. How       B. Where    C. When

5.The shop closes ________ seven ________ the evening.

A. in,at        B. at,in       C. in,on

6.-Can you ________ ? –Yes, I can. I ________ last night.

A. dance, danced       B. dances, dances       C. danced, danced

7.________ you ________ your homework yesterday.

A. Did,did        B. Did,do       C. Do,do

8.He usually ________ to work by bike.

A. went        B. go       C. goes



1.colour, my, yellow, favourite, is(.)

2.shorter, brother, you, than, your, are(?)

3.get, you, there, subway, by, can(.)

4.first, year, January, the, is, in, a, mouth(.)

5.you, what, holiday, did, do, on, your(?)

B. 根据答句写问句。(10分)

1.                                 ?  I bought a new card yesterday.

2.                                 ?  He goes to Beijing by plane.

3.                                 ?  Amy is tired.

4.                                 ?  It’s Thursday.

5.                                 ?  No, I can’t cook the meals.


Happy Family

This is a photo of the Lee family. The man is Jim Lee. He is Tom and Amy’s father. He is a boss of a restaurant. He is very busy. Every day he goes out very early and comes back very late. This lady is Ethel Lee. She is very pretty. She is a housewife. Every morning she wakes up the children, cooks breakfast and cleans rooms. In the afternoon, she goes shopping and does housework.

Tom and Amy love their parents and their parents love them, too. What a happy family!


1)Mrs Lee is a boss of a restaurant.                      (   )

2)Mr Lee goes out early every day.                      (   )

3)Mr Lee is not very busy.                             (   )

4)Ethel goes shopping in the afternoon.                   (   )

5)Mr Lee and Mrs Lee love Tom and Amy.                (   )


1)What’s Tom’s father?              2)Does he go out very late every morning?

3)What is Amy’s mother’s name?      4)Is she a worker?

5)Are they feeling happy?


用一件事或一个活动来描述自己的感受,以“A Happy/ Sad Day”为题,写一篇小短文。(不少于50个单词)



一、 听句子,选择听到的信息。

1.Look at the ant.

2.How many books do you have?

3.My brother is taller than me.

4.Sarah looks sad.

5.My father usually reads newspaper everyday.


Today is Sunday. Look at my family. My father and my uncle are playing chess. I’m doing my homework. My mom is washing the clothes. Aunt Mary is listening to music.


1.A:What did you do last weekend? -B:I went hiking.

2.I often go to school on foot.

3.A:When is National Day?  -B:It’s in October .

4.I feel sick.  I have a cold.

5.Stop at the red light.


Last weekend ,it was my father’s birthday.I bought a big kite for my father.I went to the forest with my father .The forest is far from the city.We went by bus.We flew the kite together.We was very happy.


1.I’m 78 kg. Peter is 2 kg heavier than me.     2.I have a fever.

3.My friend goes to Beijing by plane.         4.Sarah went skiing last weekend.

5.What did you do yesterday, John? ----I went fishing.


一、C C C A B



Name Listening to music Washing the clothes Doing homework Playing chess

Me   √

Dad    √

Mom  √

Uncle    √

Aunt √

三、1. did weekend went  2.often on foot  3.When October  4.cold  5.Stop

四、T T T F F           五、4 3 1 2 5          六、√ × × × ×             七、likes  went  play  cleaning  read  fly  longer  teach

八、C B A B B A B C      九、   A.  1.My favourite colour is yellow.

2.Are you shorter than your brother?    3.You can get there by subway.

4.January is the first mouth in a year.    5.What did you do on your holiday?

B. 1.What did you buy yesterday?      2.How does he go to Beijing?

3.How does Amy feeling?          4.What day is it today?

5.Can you cook the meals?

十、1.× √ × √ √

2.1)Tom’s father/He is a boss of a restaurant.   2)No, he doesn’t.

3)Amy’s mother’s/Her name is Ethel Lee.    4)No, she isn’t.

5)Yes , they are.                  十一、 略。













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