




Ⅰ      Ⅱ

1. Is he Chinese or Japanese? A. They are Tom and Mike.

2. Who’s on duty today? B. Yes, it is.

3. Are those oranges? C. That is Mr Wang.

4. Can you see the bird? D. He is Japanese.

5. Is it a car? E. It’s on the desk.

6. Who are they? F. No, they aren’t. They are pears.

7. Who’s that? G. Yes, I can.

8. Where is the map? H. Lily is on duty today.


1. His ruler is in the box. (对划线部分提问)

________________ ________________ his ruler?

2. She is Lucy and she is Lily. (改为选择疑问句)

________________ she Lucy ________________ Lily?

3. Is he your friend? (改为复数)

________________ ________________ your ________________?

4. These are our apples. (改为单数)

________________ is ________________ ________________.

5. The boy is all right today (对划线部分提问)

________________ ________________ the boy today?

6. They can see a bird in the tree. (对划线部分提问)

________________ ________________ ________________ see in the tree?


1. 他找不到他的包。

He ________________ ________________ his bag.

2. 你能看见一个英国女孩吗?

________________ ________________ ________________ an English girl?

3. 他们是英国人还是美国人?

________________ they ________________ or ________________?

4. 那些苹果在树上。

Those apples ________________ ________________ the tree.

5. 他是我的一位老朋友。

He is ________________ old friend ________________ ________________.

6. 我没有什么书。

I ________________ have ________________ books.


A:  1  me!

B: Yes?

A:  2  are the two girls?

B:  3   4  Lucy and Lily.

A: I think they  5  the same.

B: Yes, you’re  6 , they’re  7 .

A:  8   9 are they?

B: Twelve. And I’m  10 , too.

A: Are you in  11   12  class?

B: No, we aren’t.

A: Thank you very much.

B: That’s all right. Goodbye!

A: Bye!

1. ________________  2. ________________  3. ________________

4________________ ? 5. ________________?  6. ________________

7. ________________  8. ________________  9. ________________

10. ________________  11. ________________  12. ________________


This is a picture of a family. The father’s name is Rex. He is forty -eight. The mother’s name is Linda. She is forty-five. They have a son of fifteen and a daughter of sixteen. They are Ned and Rose. They are students in No. 1 Middle School. Linda is a teacher. Rex is a doctor.

1. What picture is it? It’s a picture of a ________________.

A. father B. bedroom C. classroom D. family

2. How old is the mother?

A. Forty-five. B. Forty-six. C. Forty-seven. D. Forty-eight.

3. What’s the father? He’s a ________________.

A. worker B. student C. doctor D. teacher

4. How old is Rose?

A. Fifteen. B. Sixteen. C. Seventeen. D. Eighteen.

5. How many people are there in the family?

A. Three. B. Four. C. Five. D. Six.


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