



A: _______ your birthday, Paul?

B: It’s ______ 20th of October.

A: Great. My ___ is two ___ later. So let’s ___ a ___ party together.

B: Good ______! What would you _______ _______ a birthday present, Ben?

A: ______ ______ a new puzzle. ______ ______ you?

B: I’d ______ a yo-yo.

A: I like ______ yo-yo, too. And I ______ football, too.

B: Really? Me ______. Let’s ______ and ______ ______ in the park.

A: OK. Let’s go.

A: Oh, ______ ______ a lot of signs ______, Paul.

B: Yes. They’re all ______ ______. They ______ ______ things.

A: What ______ that one ______?

B: It ______ “Keep ______ the ______”.

A: Yes. We must ______ ______ the grass.

B: Yes. We must keep the park _______.

A: Look! ______ a sign ______ ______. What ______ it ______?

B: It _____ “Danger”? They’re building a _____ Children’s garden here.

A: Great. Let’s ______ ______.

B: OK. Kick ______ ______, Ben. ______ it to ______.


1. Ben’s birthday is on 22th of October.

2. Paul wants a new puzzle as a birthday present.

3. There are two public signs in the park.

4. They’re building a new zoo in the park.

5. Ben and Paul all like playing yo-yo and football.



Learning How to Swim

During summer holidays, my good friend Chuanchuan ___1___ I went to join a swimming class. Before ___2___ only knew how to dog paddle, I like a dog falling into the water and trying to swim.

At the swimming class, my teacher told ___3___ how to do the crawl. For the crawl we had to breathe on ___4___ the left and the right sides. After that, my teacher taught us how to do backstroke. For swimming backstroke, we ___5___ needed to go back in a circular motion. My teacher always demonstrated the backstroke first before teaching, then we followed ___6___.

Sometimes, our teacher let us play a game called“catch the ring”. This was how we played it: someone took a rubber ring and threw it into the water, then ___7___ dived down in the water and brought it back up to the surface. We ___8___ played happily.

Now I know how to swim!

(  )1. A. or    B. and     C. both     D. all

(  )2. A. I     B. me     C. us      D. My

(  )3. A. we     B. our     C. us      D. I

(  )4. A. both   B. all     C. either    D. neither

(  )5. A. arms   B. arm     C. eyes     D.ears

(  )6. A. she    B. he     C. his      D. her

(  )7. A. us    B. our     C. me      D. we

(  )8. A. all    B. either   C. neither   D. both


This ___1___ my room. It is a ___2___ nice room. The window ___3___ big and the walls ___4___ white. Near the window there is a red desk. It is for me. ___5___ the desk, there are some books and ___6___ pencil-box. ___7___ the back wall there are some pictures and ___8___ map of China.

There is ___9___ bed. It is near the door. There is a chair behind the bed. There is a box and a pair of new shoes ___10___ the bed.

(  )1. A. are     B. am     C. is     D. be

(  )2. A. much    B. very    C. too    D. now

(  )3. A. is     B. are    C. am     D. /

(  )4. A. are     B. is     C. be     D. /

(  )5. A. on     B. on     C. in     D. under

(  )6. A. a      B. two    C. some    D. at

(  )7. A. In     B. For    C. On     D. At

(  )8. A. /      B. an     C. a     D. some

(  )9. A. an     B. a     C. not    D. the

(  )10. A. in     B. at     C. under   D.from



Jack came to China three years ago.

He is an Australian boy. His parents are now in China, too. They are teachers. They teach English. Jack is now in No. 2 Middle School. He is a student. He works very hard. His parents work in No. 8 Middle School. Jack is my good friend. Last Sunday he came to see me. We went to swim in the river near my house that day.

1.Jack is _________.

A. American

B. Australian

C. English

D. Canadian

2.Jack and his parents are ________ now.

A. in America

B. in China

C. in Canada

D. in Australia

3.His parents teach _________.

A. in the same school

B. in a different school

C. in No. 2 Middle School

D. in No. 18 Middle School

4.Jack is in _________.

A. No. 2 Middle School

B. No. 8 Middle School

C. No. 18 Middle School

D. No. 20 Middle School

5.Jack came to see me ________.

A. last Sunday

B. last Monday

C. last Thursday

D. last Saturday

6.I ________ with Jack that day.

A. went to the shop

B. went out at the cinema

C. went out to play football

D. went to swim


The Garage Is Full of Snow

In the morning Mr. Smith comes into the garden at the back of his house. He sees so much snow in the garden. Mr. Smith wants to take his car out, so he asks a man to clean the road from his garden to the gate. He says to the man. “Don’t throw any snow on that side, it will damage the flowers in my garden; and don’t throw any on the other side for it will damage the wall. And don’t throw any into the street, or the policeman will come.” Then he goes out.

When he comes back, the path is clean. There is no snow on the flowers on the wall or in the street. But when he opens the garage to get his car out, he sees: the garage is full of snow, the snow from the path, and his car is under the snow!

1. In the morning Mr. Smith finds _________ is full of snow.

A. his garden

B. his garage

C. his house

D. hid car

2. He wants a man to clean the road. He __________.

A. doesn’t like snow at all

B. likes the clean road

C. wants to take his car out of the garage

D. often asks the man to do something

3. Where does Mr. Smith tell the man to throw the snow in the garden? ___________.

A. On the flowers

B. Into the street

C. On the wall

D. We don’t know

4. He opens the garage ___________.

A. and takes his car out

B. and finds it is full of snow

C. and finds there is no car in it

D. and takes snow out

5. Where is Mr. Smith’s car? ___________

A. Under the snow from the road.

B. In the street.

C. Near the road.

D. In front of his house.


根据词语提示,写一段话,不少于5句。词语提示:twelve;middle school;student;No.8 Middle School;Zhengzhou;Class 3;Grade 1;English and Chinese;much.






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