


三、 完成下列词组(英汉互译)。(10分)

1.在邮局___________________________      2.一张中国地图_____________________

3.看黑板___________________________      4.穿黄色衣服的妇女_________________

5.上一节英语课_____________________      6.look after  _____________________

7. No.3 Primary School_______________     8.a small house ___________________

9. my favourite colour ______________     10.take a bus _____________________

四、 选择填空。(10分)

(     )1. Please write eleven numbers _________ 15 __________25.

A. to; to       B. between; and     C. from; to      D. at;  the

(      ) 2. The skirts are for___________.

A. you and me   B. you and I        C. I and you     D. me and you

(      ) 3. Is every __________here, Lin Tao?

A. student       B. students    C. student’s     D. students’

(      ) 4. Put this watch on the desk and put that________ on the floor.

A. it           B. one          C. ones          D. one’s

(      ) 5.My friend and I _________ draw pictures behind my house.

A. are           B. like         C. like to       D. likes to

(      ) 6._________do you spell your name, please?

A. How           B. What          C. Who          D. Whose

(      ) 7. Now class, it’s ________class.

A. time to       B. time for      C. time         D. time to go

(      ) 8. Would you like to go the zoo _______ me?

A. with          B. to            C. on            D. and

(      ) 9. Look at the cat. ________name is Kitty.

A. It’s         B. Its           C. It            D. Is

(      ) 10. The students of our class want to ________ some flowers _______our English teacher.

A. give; to      B. take; to      C. get; with     D. look; at

五、 按要求改写句子。(6分)

1. Read in bed. (改为否定句)


2. It’s six twenty-five.(对画线部分提问)


3. The  boy in the red shirt is Tom.(对画线部分提问)


4.  Class One has a map on the wall.(意思不变,另写一句)


六、 读句子,从II栏中找出正确的应答语并将序号写在I栏题前括号内。(10分)

I                II

( )1. How is your grandpa?          A. Two hundred yuan.

(  ) 2. May I come in?                  B. It’s nice. But I don’t like the colour.

(  ) 3. Are we all here?              C. Sure. It’s over there.

(  ) 4. How much are they?            D. Yes, please.

(  ) 5. What a beautiful doll it is!  E. It’s about nine thirty.

(  ) 6. Is it my turn to dance?       F. Come in, please

(  ) 7. How about this one?           G. It’s ninety-three

(  ) 8. What time is it now?          H. Fine. Thanks.

(  ) 9. Can you show me the way to Zhongshan park?   I. No, Pingping is ill at home.

(  ) 10. What’s thirty-three and sixty?        J. Thanks, it’s a birthday present from my mother.


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