


( )13. My daddy _____a new hat.

A. have B. has C. is

( )14.His mouth ____ small, and his feet _____ small, too.

A. is, is B. is, are C. are, are

( )15.---Let’s _____ a spinner.

---____ a good idea!

A. make, How B. making, What C. make, What

( )16. A bird. How ____________ !

A. tall B. cute C. long

( )17. ---______ is the weather?

---It’s raining cats and________ .

A . How , dogs B. How’s , dog C. What, dogs

( ) 18.Today I want _____ race.

A. a B. an C. some

( ) 19. ---How about ________ a sleep?

---Why not?

A. have B. has C. having

( ) 20. What’s the English for “各就各位,跑”?

A. Go. B. Ready. C. Ready? Go!

五、情景交际,将 “Ⅰ”部分能够和“Ⅱ”部分组成合符情理的句子的番号填在括号里。(每题1



( )1、How many mice? A、 Fifteen mice.

( )2、What day is today? B、No, we aren’t.

( )3、Do you like swimming? C、It’s in December.

( )4、What are these? D、He is seventy-eight..

( )5、Can we dance? E、They’re in front of the zebras.

( )6、Where are you going? F、We are going to fly a kite.

( )7、Where are the giraffes? G、No, you can’t.

( )8、How old is your grandpa? H、They are rulers.

( )9、When is John’s birthday? I、No, I don’t.

( )10、Are you happy? J、It’s Thursday.


1. are, chickens, there, seven .

2. you , play, guitar, can, the .

3. rabbits, how, many ?

4. what , you, do, can ?

5. a,I’m,monkey,Because,I,jump,can


1. I can clean the house. (对划线部分提问)

2. I can fly a kite. (改为否定句)

3. It’s raining hard.(同义句)

4. A clever boy.(改写成感叹句)

5. My box is big. (同义句)


Peter is from Canada. He is in Class Five. He is eleven. His father works in a hospital. He is a doctor. His mother works in a school. She is a Chinese teacher. He has eleven books in his bag. He comes back today. He is not happy. He is ill today.

( )1.Peter is from ______.

A. China B. Canada C. New Zealand

( ) 2. How old is Peter ?

A. Eight B. Twelve C. Eleven

( )3. Peter’s father is a ________

A. doctor B. teacher C. nurse

( ) 4. Peter’s mother is a_____.

A. doctor B. teacher C. nurse

( )5. Peter is _______ today.

A. happy B. tired C. ill

以上是威廉希尔app 为大家准备的小升初英语综合能力测试题,希望对大家有所帮助。





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