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1. ±íʾµØµãµÄ´Ê(°ÑÏÂÁе¥´ÊºÍÏàÓ¦µÄÖÐÎÄÒâ˼Á¬ÆðÀ´)£º
ͼÊé¹Ý crossing school µ½´ï
ÓÊ¾Ö follow Restaurant ¿Æѧ²©Îï¹Ý
ҽԺ hospital supermarket ѧУ
Êéµê library cinema Ö±ÐÐ
Ê®×Ö·¿Ú post office science museum µçÓ°Ôº
¸ú×Å bookstore go along ÑØ×Å
ÓÒת turn left go straight ³¬ÊÐ
×óת turn right get to ²Í¹Ý
1. ---_______ is the museum shop? ---It’s in the RenMing Park.
next to the hospital. in front of the school. behind the park
near the zoo. far from here. Between school and library
2.---_________ there a cinema near here? »Ø´ð£º---Yes£¬______________________.
3. _______ can I/we get there? Turn left at the bookstore.
4. ______ can I get to the hospital? Take the No.57 bus. = By the No. 57 bus.
µ½ÄǶù get there µ½Ä³µØ get to
5.---__________ it far from here? »Ø´ð£º---Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t.
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