



( )1.Tom can’t find his mother, so he is crying .

A.happily B.quickly C.sadly

( )2. Mike likes playing table tennis. It makes him .

A.strong B.weak C.tall

( )3.-What about some noodles?

-No, thank you.

A.has B.have C.having

( )4.It was Children’s Day yesterday. The children were very .They played at the party.

A. excited; happily B. excitedly; happy C. excited; happy

( )5. Su Hai is ill. Let’s go and see .

A .him B.them C.her

( )6.- they to school late yesterday?

-Yes, they .

A.Do, went, do B.Did, go, did C.Did, went, did

( )7. Wang Bing often in the morning.

A.brushes his teeth B.brushes her teeth C.brushes his tooth

( )8.My father is a teacher. He works so .

A.had B.hard C.hardly

( )9. The book is so high. I can’t it.

A. reach B. know C. bring

( )10. David some juice the bottle yesterday.

A. poured, onto B . poured, into C. pours, into

( )11.-Where were you just now?

-I was at the greengrocer’s.划线部分的词义是:

A.肉店里 B.蔬菜水果店里 C.服装店里

( )12.My grandmother usually goes to the church on Saturdays.

“church” means:

A.面包店 B.杂货店 C.教堂

( )13. My father sales pens, rulers, schoolbags….He is a .

A. stationer B. winner C. hairdresser

( )14.-Dad, I’m going to meet my good friends.

- .

A. Enjoy myself B. Enjoy yourself C.T hank you

( )15.-Is everyone here today?

-No, Liu Tao is not here. He is .

A.absent B.sad C.a good boy


1. Yang Ling can dance (good).

2. Helen (not) go to school last Tuesday.

3. He (let) the dog go last night.

4. Linda should (wash) her hands before dinner.

5. I feel very (sleep) now.

6. -Where you (go) yesterday?

-We to Xuanwu Lake.

7.Nancy is (dance) happily.


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