





(二) 连词成句,并正确书写在四线三格内。(5分)

1. colours and shapes all in erasers here are

2. go to bed 9:20 at in the evening I



( )1.We send carnations ________Mother’s Day.

A. in B. on C. at

( )2.________ the fly .What’s it doing here?

A. Look for B. Look at C. Look after

( )3.What would you like ____________?

A. to eat B. eat C. eating

( )4._______is Tom,________father is Mr Read.

A. He,His B. He,He’s C. His,He

( )5.I_______a new pen. Lily______a new pen,too.

A. have,has B. have,have C. has,have

( )6.Do you like_________?

A. play the football B.play football C.playing football

( )7.I’m_________,can I have some bread?

A.hungry B. thirsty C.tired

( )8.Can you ____________me a story?

A. say B. tell C.speak

( )9.Happy birthday ____you,This apple is _____you.

A. to,to B. to,for C. for,for

( )10.This is ___English car,That’s_____Chinese car.

A. an,an B. a,a C.an,a

( )11.___________is it? —— Thirty yuan.

A. How B. How much C.How many

( )12.Are you in _________?

A. class 1,grade 6 B. Grade 6,Class 1 C.Class 1,Grade 6

( )13.Where is Big Ben?____________

A. England B. America C.Japan

( )14.Turn _________the TV,I want to watch TV.

A. on B. off C. in

( )15.My father____________his teeth every morning.

A. brush B. brushes C.brushing


( )1.当同学到你家做客时,你会说:______________.

A. Sit down,please. B.What’s your name? C. How old are you?

( )2.你的同学约你星期天去郊游,你很赞同,应该说:______ .

A. Really? B. Thank you. C. Great!

( )3.当老师夸你真棒时,你会说:__________.

A. Don’t say. B. Thank you. C.You’re right.

( )4.有一个外国朋友问你路时,你告诉他后,他对你说“Thank you.”你应说:________________.

A.Yes,very good. B. You are welcome. C. All right.

( )5.当你有事想问别人时,你先说:___________.

A. I’m sorry. B. Hi. C. Excuse me.


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