


IV. 找出适当答语,把序号写在前面的括号内。(8分)

( )1. Do you help your mother ?

( ) 2. How’s the weather today ?

( ) 3.Would you like to play with me ?

( ) 4.Did you have a good trip ?

( ) 5.What’s your temperature ,Li Ming ?

( )6. How much are the books ?

( ) 7. It’s time to go out to play.

( )8. What’s the temperature?

A. Yes, thanks , but I’m tired .

B. It’s 100 degrees.

C. It’s cool .

D. Yes ,I often clean the floor.

E. Sure , I’d love to .

F. OK. Let’s go .

G. Twenty yuan.

H. It’s 36.5 degrees.


1. from, it, our, far, is, school


2. go, to, does, your, mother, how, work __________________________________________?

3. Dad,for ,me , gifts , brings


4. can , on , one , I , stand , foot


5. is , a, in, red ,man, clothes, he, merry



A. 根据短文意思,选择正确答案。( 10分 )

Tomorrow is Sunday. Wang Jie isn’t going to school. He is going to get up early. In the morning, he is going to visit a science museum. He’s going there by subway. He’s going to have lunch in McDonald’s. In the afternoon, he is going to play football with his friends. At about 3:30, he is going home to do homework. Then he is going to clean his bedroom. He’s going to cook the meals for his father and mother in the evening.

( )1. What day is it today? Today is _________.

A. Sunday. B. Saturday. C. Weekend.

( )2. Wang Jie is going to have lunch___________.

A. At home. B. in McDonald’s. C. in the school

( )3. What’s Wang Jie going to do on Sunday morning? He is going to __________.

A. visit a science museum

B. visit his grandparents

C. visit a science bookstore.

( )4. Wang Jie is going to the science museum by_______.

A. train B. subway C. bus

( )5. Is Wang Jie a good child?”

A. Yes, she is. B. No, he isn’t.

C. Yes, he is.

B.根据句意在下图的表中画出正确时间(10分),并排出顺序,把序号写在每幅图右下角的口内(5分) 。


寒假即将来临。以“My holiday”为题,写一写你是否喜欢寒假并写出原因,再写一写你的假期安排。(要求:不少于五句话)


以上是威廉希尔app 为大家准备的小升初英语检测试卷,希望对大家有所帮助。





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