


五. 写出下列句子中划线部分的中文意思。

1. It’s sunny today . 中文:________

2. When do you go home ? 中文:_________

3. This is a 录音机. 英文:________

4. Whose 足球 is it ? 英文:__________

5. How many rulers can you see ?中文:________

六. 下列情景应说哪句话,将其标号填入括号内。

1. (    )当你想知道对方是否喜欢学英语,问:

A. What do you like best ?

B. Do you like English ?

C. I like English very much

2. (    )当你想知道小云的爸爸是干什么的,问:

A. What do you do ?

B. What does your father do ?

C. What does she do ?

3. (    )当你想知道对方正在干什么,问:

A. What’s he doing ?

B. What are you doing ?

C. What do you do ?

4. (    )当你想知道对方是否有字典,问:

A. Have you got a dictionary ?

B. How much is the dictionary ?

C. I like this dictionary.

七. 联词组句。

1. day  is  today  what


2. on  the  I  turn  radio  may


3. like  swimming  do  you


4. will  what  do  you  this  Sunday


八. 填空

1. A:_______  _____ make a kite ?

B:No , I can’t

But I can make a toy car .

2. A:_______  ______  _______  ________?

B:I’m going to the doctor .

A:What’s wrong with you ?

B:I’ve got a _________. (牙疼)

3. A:_______  _______  _______  ________

B:I’m Jane.

A:______  ______ your father ________?

B:He’s a dentist .






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