


小升初考试形式多样,考察的内容已经不仅仅只局限于孩子的学习成绩,而是孩子全方面的能力。威廉希尔app 小升初频道为大家提供小升初英语一般现在时练习题,希望能够切实的帮助到大家!


1.      is my teacher.  I like    very much. (she)

2.        (he) lives in Shanghai. He likes     .(it)

3. Please listen to       (I)

4. Do you like         ?(she)

5. He looks after      (they) at home.

6. Please tell       (we) the answer.

7. I teach     (he) English every day.

8.      (she) is twelve years old.

9.      (me) am a student.

10.     (we) are good friends.

11. What is     (he) phone number?

12. How do    spell    name?(you)

13.     is a nice girl.     name is Jenny.(she)

14. That is     ID card. (I )

15.     school is very beautiful.(we)

16. There are       tennis rackets. (me)

17.    English teacher is from America.(we)

18. What is     (she) name?

19. Where are      bags?(they)

20.        (it) name is Kitty.

21. My watch is old, but      (she) is new.

22. Can I borrow your pen?      Is broken. (I )

23. Please send    best wishes to Mary. (I )

24. This is my book.      Is on the desk.(he)

25. We love our country, and they love     (they), too.

26. Jim, it that cars     (your)?

27. This isn’t our room.       (we) is over there.

28. This book is     (her) and that one is      .(my)

29. You can’t find the dictionary. You may have       (my)

30. These beautiful flowers are     .(our)

31. He sits between Tom and      (I ).

32. Let      (she) sit next to me.

33.     (she) birthday is October 10th.

34.     (I) camera is  not so expensive as    (he), but it works well, too.

35. His country is very small, but      (we) is a large one with a long history.

36. George reads the newspaper every morning. That’s     (he) habit.

37. Miss Li is my English teacher.     (she) last name is Li.

38. He shows      (he) photos to      .(I )

39. Come and join     .(us)

40. Look at the photo. The girl beside     (I ) is Nancy.

这就是我们精心为大家准备的小升初英语一般现在时练习题,希望对大家有用!更多小升初复习资料及相关资讯,尽在威廉希尔app ,请大家及时关注!





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