




(  ) 1. Li Hong _____ TV for two hours every evening.

A. watch           B. watches            C. watched

(  ) 2. --- _________ is he?  --- He is ten.

A. What             B. Who               C. How old

(  ) 3. Kate and Jane _______ my good friends.

A. is               B. am                C. are

(  ) 4. --- Where ________ he from?

--- He _______ from China.

A. is; come         B. is; comes         C. does; is

(  ) 5. --- Where is my pencil?

--- I can’t ______ it.

A. look at          B. find              C. look for

(  ) 6. We’re going to stay here tomorrow. What ____ you?

A. about            B. besides           C. with

( ) 7. That blue jacket is beautiful.

A. fine             B. very nice         C. well

(  ) 8. --- _____ are these? --- They are red pencils.

A. What             B. Where             C. What colour

(  ) 9. My mother _______ three shelves.

A. have             B. has               C. is

(  ) 10. The man over there is ________.

A. Miss White       B. Mrs White         C. Mr White

(  ) 11. --- _______ kitchen is clean?  ---- Mary’s.

A. Who’s           B. Whose             C. Who

(  ) 12. --- _______ grade are you in? --- Grade Five.

A. Whose            B. Which             C. Where

(  ) 13. --- _______ on the river? ---- There’re some ducks.

A. What             B. Which             C. What’s

(  ) 14. That girl is my friend. ______ name is May.

A. His              B. Her               C. Its

(  ) 15. Helen is behind me. I am ______ Helen.

A. behind           B. in front of       C. beside



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