


备考期间,考生可以适当放松,同时也要静下心来做好接下来的复习。下文是威廉希尔app 中考频道为您准备了小升初英语模拟


(     )1.----What's the matter?     ---- My leg _____.

A. hurts         B. sore            C. is hurts

(     )2. ----_______did you do last weekend ?

---- I visited my grandparents.

A. What              B. Where           C. How

(     )3. ----Did you ______the room yesterday?

A. clean            B.  cleaned           C. cleaning

(     ) 4. This monkey is taller, but that little monkey is _______.

A. funny        B. funnyer        C. funnier

(     ) 5. -- How _______ are you?        --- I’m 35 kg..

A. old           B. tall            C. heavy

(     )6. --- How _______ Mike feel?      ---He’ s tired.

A. do            B. does          C. did

(     )7 .She watered the flowers ________ .

A. tomorrow      B. sometimes     C. yesterday morning

(     )8. Lily should ____ her homework before supper.

A. does           B. do            C.did

(     ) 9. Did you ______ your mother ______ the room yesterday?

A. helped, clean                   B. helped, cleaned

C. help, clean                     D. help, cleaned

(     ) 10. My arms are longer than _______.

A. your         B. you           C. yours

威廉希尔app 中考频道为您准备了小升初英语模拟,希望大家抓紧时间复习,在考试中取得好的成绩。


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