




(     )1. A.minute  B.hungry   C.must    D.thus

(     )2. A .bike       B. hi       C . like      D .it

(     )3. A .coat       B. house    C . load      D. soap

(     )4. A. pear       B .here      C . hair      D. chair

(     )5. A. he        B .she       C. bed      D. me


A. 根据汉语写出正确的短语。 (5分)

1.下车________________       2. 牙疼 _________________

3.发烧__________________ .    4.铺床 ______________


B.根据要求写出正确形式 (10分)

1.smaller (  反义词 ) ____________    2.write( 过去式)____________

3.good ( 最高级 )  ____________     4.thin ( 比较级)  ____________

5.read ( 原形  )   ____________     6.foot ( 复数)    ____________

7.buy ( 过去式 )   ____________     8.study (单三)    ____________

9.I’ll ( 完全形式 )  ____________     10.our(同音词)  ____________

C.用所给单词的适当形式填空 。(5分)

1. She is ________ (heavy)  than  you.

2. She  likes             (run)

3. I _________ (go)fishing  yesterday  afternoon.

4. May is the         (five) month of the year.

5.Her  hobby  is             (collect) stamps..

III. 单项选择。(20分)

(   )1. ----How are you, Mike? You look so________.

----It's raining outside. I can't play football.

A. happy   B. excited   C. sad

(   )2.----Sam is 160cm tall. Ted is 10cm shorter than him. How tall is Ted?

A. 150cm   B. 160cm    C. 170cm

(   )3.----What's the matter?

----My leg _____.

A. hurts    B. sore    C. is hurts

(   )4.----_______did you go on your holiday?


A. What    B. Where    C. How

(   )5.----Did you ______ pictures yesterday?

A. take     B. took     C. taking

(   ) 6.__________ did you do yesterday?

------I visited my grandparents.

A. What   B. where    C. How

(   ) 7. My sister likes        books in the evening. But she        books yesterday evening.

A. reading; read    B. reading ;didn’t read    C. reads ;read

(   ) 8. How__________ are  you?        I’m 35kg.

A. old  B. tall     C.  heavy

(   ) 9. Did you __________the piano yesterday?

A. play    B.  played    C. plaied

(   ) 10. ______you have fun watching TV?   Yes, I do.

A. Did    B. Do   C. Was

(    )11. Does Miss White teach _________ English?

A. you    B. your    C. our

(    )12.This is Mr Li's room. _____ room is clean.

A. He   B. His   C. Her

(    )13.What is __________ hobby?

A. Mike's   B. Mike    C. Mikes’

(    )14.Tom:_____________?

Jack: He likes collecting stamps.

A. What is he like   B. What does he like  C. What is he

(    )15. --____________?       –He is a worker.

A. What does your father like?     B. What does your father do?

C. Where is your father like?

(    )16.We usually go to school _____ 7:30 ____ the morning.

A. in, in          B. on, in         C. at, in

(    )17.Does Mr. Black ________ TV every evening?

A. watch    B. watches      C. watching

(    )18.My uncle is ____artist and his uncle is _____ doctor.

A.a, a        B.an,  a       C.an,  an

(    )19 .Where are you going _________the weekend ?

A. this     B . on       C . at

(    )20 .Different people have different_________.

A.  hobby       B. hobbies      C. a hobby



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