





1. are, what, going, you, do, to, tomorrow (?)


2. to, have, an, I am going, lesson, art (.)


3. hobbies,are,what,your(?)


4. does,Dad,  now,how,   feel(?)


5. has,very,life,he,  a  healthy (.)



(   ) 1.   (   ) 2.  (   ) 3.           (   ) 4.      (    ) 5.

A. His father goes to work by subway.

B. My father is a teacher in a school.

C. Their grandpa reads newspapers every day.

D. Jack always goes to the cinema.

E. His sister likes playing the violin.


1题图                     2题图                   3题图

1、My father is a   ___________.

2、My mother is a  _______________.

3、My sister is a  _____________.

4、Mike works at sea. He is a __________.

5、She works in a gym.   She is a ______________.


1、Mary has a cat.           What ______ Mary ______?

2、He goes to school by bus.   How ____ he _______ to school?

3、My aunt works in a gym.   Where ______ your aunt ______?

4、He is a teacher.           What _______ he _________?

5、He likes playing the pipa.       What _______ he _________?

九根据表格判断句子正误,对的打“ √   ”,错的打“×”(10分)

√=like  ×= dislike

hobby Amy Mike Wu Yifan Sarah

swimming √ × √ ×

listening to music √  √ √ √

watching TV × √ × √

playing chess × √ √ ×

drawing √ × √ √

making planes × √ √ ×

(    )1、Amy likes swimming but Wu  Yi fan dislike.

(    )2、Mike likes making planes and playing chess.

(    )3、Sarah likes watching TV but dislikes swimming.

(    )4、Wu Yifan and Mike like playing chess and drawing.

(    )5、All the children like listening to music.


(   ) 1. I’m going to the supermarket __________my mother.

A. with   B. and   C. but     D. too

(   ) 2. I’m going to clean the room ___________ afternoon.

A. in    B. to   C. by    D. this

(   ) 3. —What are you going to do on the weekend?


A. I often play football B. I’m going to visit my uncle

C. I’m reading a book D. I go to the park

( ) 4. I’m going to___________ in the bookstore.

A. buy an English book B. buy some plants

C. buy a sweater        D. buy shoes

( ) 5. —Where are you going?

—I’m going to___________.

A. next week   B. this morning  C. the hospital  D. buy some plants

( ) 6. —__________are you going?

—Next week.

A. Where  B. When   C. How    D. Which

( ) 7. How are you going there?

A. Buy a book  B. By bike   C. Bookstore   D. This morning

(   ) 8--. ---What are your hobbies?


A. He is a student           B. I’m reading a book

C. I like listening to music and reading stories  D. I go to school on foot

( ) 9. Does your pen pal live in Beijing?

A. She is from the USA.    B. She likes reading

C. Yes, she does.          D. She can do it

( ) 10. ---What are Alice’s hobbies?


A. She is a teacher.          B. She is listening to music.

C. She goes to work by car.   D. She likes fishing and hiking.


Tomorrow is Mid-Autumn festival. My family are going to get together and have a big dinner. My father and mother are going to cook.My aunt is going to make mooncakes. My grandma will tell us a story about Chang’e. Robin and I are going to read a peom. But today I’m going to do my homework.


(    )1、My family will  _____________on Mid-Autumn festival.

A、have a party  B、go shopping    C、have a big dinner

(    )2、My aunt is going to _________

A、make mooncakes   B、tell us a story about Chang’e   C、read a peom.

(二)判断。对的写T 错的写F

(    )3、Robin and I are going to read a story.

(    )4、Today I’m going to watch TV.


If you are the writer(作者),what are your parents going to do?




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