




Tom   1   (come) from America. He is eleven years old. He   2    (study) at No.9 Primary School,he   3   (learn) Chinese now,he says

Chinese is interesting but very difficult.

Yesterday    4   ( be ) Sunday,he   5   ( get ) up very early,he   6   ( run ) for a long time. Then he   7   ( clean ) her room,he   8   ( stay ) at home. He  9  ( do ) his homework in the morning and   10   ( play ) soccer in the afternoon.

(    )1.A. come       B. came           C. comes      D.coming

(    )2.A. study      B. studies        C. studying     D. studyed

(    )3.A. learns     B. is learning    C. Learned     D. learn

(    )4.A. was        B. is             C. are        D. does

(    )5.A. gets       B. is getting     C. got        D. geted

(    )6.A. runs       B. is running     C. ran        D. runed

(    )7.A. cleans     B. cleaned        C. clean       D.climbing

(    )8.A. stay       B. stays          C. stayed     D. staying

(    )9.A. do         B. did            C. does       D. doed

(    )10.A. plays     B. is playing     C. played     D. playing



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